insane DL times
Recently I got rid of an old computer,which had the GW client. I also switched internet providers, from a $100 connection to a $10 one. My speed used to be T1, now 768kbps. This is still supposed to be much faster than needed for the game. I am running GW on a 6-year old Compaq Evo N610c with good gfx and 512MB ram. It runs on a Pentium 4 at 2GHz. Well, I dled the client and logged in. There was no lag, or anything. I selected my char, and entered the game. It was loading, and I was in Balth temple. An hour later, with nothing else running, it was at 2%. This was over 49 hours to dl. Now, assuming a 56k connection like the box says,
768/56 = 13.7 times faster.
Now, for a 49 hour 36 min DL time (2976 min) with 768k, this would be 40771 minutes with such a 56k connection. This is 679 hours, or 28.3 days. Now, that is almost a MONTH for a game to dl. These were under optimal conditions. Now, why would 56k be listed as required if it would result in 28 overnights of dling?
768/56 = 13.7 times faster.
Now, for a 49 hour 36 min DL time (2976 min) with 768k, this would be 40771 minutes with such a 56k connection. This is 679 hours, or 28.3 days. Now, that is almost a MONTH for a game to dl. These were under optimal conditions. Now, why would 56k be listed as required if it would result in 28 overnights of dling?
i believe 56k is the minimum for effecient gameplay. downloading is a totally seperate matter. i would suggest copying your files from your old computer to a disc and installing them on your new comp that way. if you haven't actually tossed the old one that is....
hi you need more ram at least 2gb. When you only have 512Mb you are below what is required for guildwars. As for your connection, the problem is likely from your internet service provider. You need to find out from your isp how many bits you are recieving for the 10 dollars.
Originally Posted by xeuroli
hi you need more ram at least 2gb. When you only have 512Mb you are below what is required for guildwars.
Required System Specs: * Windows XP/2000/ME/98 * 800 MHz Pentium III or equivalent * 256 MB RAM * ATI Radeon 8500 or GeForce 3 or 4 MX with 32MB of video memory * 500 MB hard drive space * Internet connection * DirectX 8.0 Recommended System Specs: * Windows XP/2000/ME/98 * Pentium III 1GHz or equivalent * 512 MB RAM * ATI Radeon 9000 or GeForce 4 Ti Series with 64MB of video memory * 500 MB free hard drive space * Internet connection |
And OP, I think that your DL speed problems is due to your ISP.
People with 56k are usually expected to install via CD's and download only what they have to (updates, patches, ect.). I recomend installing whatever you can from CD, and then use the -image command in your GW shortcut and leave it overnight. 768kbps isn't all that fast, so downloading many game files is going to take a while. Once everything is downloaded, you shouldn't have too many problems playing.
Elder III
the problem is not that you have a 768kbps connection, It will perhaps take 20 or so minutes (max) to download a new area, but not 28 days. lol Trust me, I've used it before. I suspect that there is a problem with your ISP or your Virus Protection/Firewall. Check those out first.
Yes the recommended is 512mb minimum 256 but to run guildwars smoothly you need 2gb ram if you have 512mb windows will suffer and gw will crash either your system or the game itself with be extremely lagging. I had windows xp service pack 2 with 1024Mb ram ran the game fine for a while then had problems with lag an crashes when I ran guildwars. Now after upgrading to 2.33GHZ with 2gb ram I play gw with absolutely no problems whatsoever and definitely no lagging issues. With all the zoning and content that's my best advice I can give you.
OP, you paid peanuts, then you should expect monkeys.
Best thing for you to do is to get a newest gw dvd and install it from there, this should cut you downloading time by a lot. As for the memory a gig for xp or 2 gigs for vista but if the 512 still works for you then good for you.
Best thing for you to do is to get a newest gw dvd and install it from there, this should cut you downloading time by a lot. As for the memory a gig for xp or 2 gigs for vista but if the 512 still works for you then good for you.
Originally Posted by xeuroli
Yes the recommended is 512mb minimum 256 but to run guildwars smoothly you need 2gb ram if you have 512mb windows will suffer and gw will crash either your system or the game itself with be extremely lagging. I had windows xp service pack 2 with 1024Mb ram ran the game fine for a while then had problems with lag an crashes when I ran guildwars. Now after upgrading to 2.33GHZ with 2gb ram I play gw with absolutely no problems whatsoever and definitely no lagging issues. With all the zoning and content that's my best advice I can give you.
2gb of RAM is far more than needed to run Guild Wars smoothly. 512mb will run Guild Wars very smoothly, unless you're doing a lot of multitasking.
Also, even if it took 2 hours for the first 2%, you can't assume that rate will continue for the other 98%.
Finally, QFT:
Originally Posted by Relnor
People with 56k are usually expected to install via CD's and download only what they have to (updates, patches, ect.). I recomend installing whatever you can from CD, and then use the -image command in your GW shortcut and leave it overnight. 768kbps isn't all that fast, so downloading many game files is going to take a while. Once everything is downloaded, you shouldn't have too many problems playing.
GW is more dependent on graphic card than ram and CPU. a pentium 4 with a radeon 9800PRO will kick the living daylights out of a core 2 duo E8400 with integrated graphics.
Originally Posted by xeuroli
hi you need more ram at least 2gb. When you only have 512Mb you are below what is required for guildwars. As for your connection, the problem is likely from your internet service provider. You need to find out from your isp how many bits you are recieving for the 10 dollars.
As for download speed, it varies from ISP to ISP; at home it's fairly nice with 90-200kpbs, while at my grandparents I barely get higher then 80kpbs. Both are 5MB connections. I noticed that when I run uTorrent/Bittorrent, my general internet ping goes completely nuts - I can't even surf the net properly, while I download on FireFox just nice and play GW at the same time. The problem remains that downloading on FireFox takes -forever- for me at my grandparents (I reach 50kpbs and I'm happy).
I'd check this link out to find out if you're getting good d/l time: . There are other links out there, I just grabbed the first one that came up Google.
Windows system resources eats a lot of ram I have 3 computers setting on the floor that had less 1024mb and it wasn't until I updated my OS and built my own computer. Also I played guidwars on those computers and got like 1 full year without any problems with 512mb ram. 1024mb 2 years and the other one was HP with 512mb ram and guildwars ran fine for that time, then later I had blue screens and lag and crashes also tons of errors on startup. This is why I suggested 2gb. He could also go with 1gb for while.
Originally Posted by moriz
GW is more dependent on graphic card than ram and CPU
please stop blabbing about stuff you don't know.
I have vista and 256mb ram or 512mb is inadequate to run guildwars smoothly. System analyst for US air force more than qualified.
Of casue 256mb and 512mb aren't gonna be enough if you have Vista, but the OP probably still on XP then 512 should be fine. But he was mainly asking about his dl speed.
And for the love of Jebus, any Joe and his dog can pull rank here.
Ett Rayner, professional slacker also a bad ass ninja. I'm sure that's more than qualified as well.
And for the love of Jebus, any Joe and his dog can pull rank here.
Ett Rayner, professional slacker also a bad ass ninja. I'm sure that's more than qualified as well.