i dont know if its the right thing to ask but .. you guys seems to know most of the things with comps.
but still.. i have been having trouble with my cs:s lately i cant refresh any servers. what should i do?
trouble with counter strike : source.
mastar of warrior
- Close Steam.
- Go to C:/Program Files/Steam and find a file named ClientRegistry.blob and delete it.
- Go to C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/<youraccountname>/counter-strike source/cstrike and find a file named serverconfig.vdf and delete it.
- Restart Steam
Don't worry about the deletion of those two files. They will be recreated automatically upon the start of the related applications.
mastar of warrior
didnt work.
street peddler
are you connected through a router?
Try cleaning up the files with GCFScape, and check your firewall settings? It may not be able to connect to the steam servers, it happened when I played TF2 with ZoneAlarm on.
mastar of warrior
Originally Posted by street peddler
are you connected through a router?
12 chars
mastar of warrior
How helpful!