So far, Anet has made a minipet for all/most of the special holiday NPCs including Mad King Thorn, Wintersday Elf, Freezie (basically a regular snowman). My idea, is that they make the final mini to complete the holiday minis.... the miniature Mad King's Guard. Players who have the Transmogrifier tonic would also be able to have a mini version of themselves just as with the miniature Elf and Yuletide tonic.
Please give feedback if you like or dislike this idea. (Mods can close any other topics I have open if they conflict with rules, or close this topic if there is already one of the same subject.)
Mini Mad King's Guard
Darklight Derv
nice idea but in the current guildwars I don't think that is likely to happen maybe in guildwars 2.
Konig Des Todes
Nice Idea, maybe for a special Halloween item.
Although, it won't complete the collection, still need the grentchies! (including their leader Grentchus Magnus).
WTB Grentch Tonic! WTB Grentchus Mini!
Although, it won't complete the collection, still need the grentchies! (including their leader Grentchus Magnus).
WTB Grentch Tonic! WTB Grentchus Mini!
the game may still be around for year there are more mini ideas out there as well......and it will be purple or gold.
Wait for next year, XD.
Xx Citrus Spike Xx
The halloween contest, on for the lucky winners will recieve a mini mad king guard.
I have to enter sounds like alot of fun.
I have to enter sounds like alot of fun.
Eragon Zarroc
lol, funny how this was suggested 2 monthes ago and now it's happening. Although this holiday mini looks like it will become a super rare one unlike other holiday minis ;-)
lol, funny how this was suggested 2 monthes ago and now it's happening. |
Thread was needlessly bumped. Closed.