70Hz LCD monitor question



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Somewhere between GW and GW2

Shaved Wookies [HoT]


Hey all,

I have a question with regards to the LCD monitor refresh rate.
I have a 19" Samsung LCD screen and I decided to put it to 70Hz refresh rate but when I do this, it looks a bit blurry and hard to read. Does it really do that with a higher refresh rate?



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



LCD monitors have a fixed refresh rate of 60hz. you will damage your monitor if you set it any higher.

you don't need to worry about flickering, because LCDs don't flicker.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Somewhere between GW and GW2

Shaved Wookies [HoT]


cool. why does it damage it though?

nevermind. thanx for the quick reply moriz.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Aug 2005


Brothers Disgruntled

Originally Posted by kazi_saki
I have a 19" Samsung LCD screen and I decided to put it to 70Hz refresh rate but when I do this, it looks a bit blurry and hard to read.
You didn't give us a whole lot to go on. Did you select the 70Hz from a list in display properties? And, what was the resolution at 70Hz?
At any rate, if the monitor is designed to work at 70Hz (which, regardless of what Moriz says, is possible.), it shouldn't appear blurry unless you are also not running at it's native resolution. The native resolution of the average 19" LCD is 1280x1024 (but yours could vary). If you set the rez to say 1024x768 (for example) it will look blurry because the monitor has to convert 1024x768 to 1280x1024.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Somewhere between GW and GW2

Shaved Wookies [HoT]


I used a 1400 x 990 resolution. I'm not so sure about the exact numbers but thats what I'm running. Cant check now since i'm using my laptop but does that mean if I run it at that 1280 x ??? resolution, it won't look blurry?

Is there any benefit from running it at 70Hz btw besides reducing flicker?

This popped up because when I got a driver from laptopvideo2go.com for my 7300GT, GW had a bit of weird flicking going on at the top center of the screen. disappears sometimes, but at the login screen its obvious.



??ber t??k-n??sh'??n

Join Date: Jan 2006



once again, LCDs do not flicker. changing the refresh rate won't do anything, except maybe damage the monitor. you should always try to run everything at your LCD's native resolution (the one it is designed for), which is always the maximum resolution your LCD can support.

if the flickering cropped up after a driver update, then it's most definately because of the driver, not your monitor.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Aug 2005


Brothers Disgruntled

Originally Posted by kazi_saki
I used a 1400 x 990 resolution.

Is there any benefit from running it at 70Hz btw besides reducing flicker?
You need to find out what the "native resolution" of your monitor is. The display will look best at that rez. Something like 1440x900 is a resolution used by some 19" wide-screen displays. Is yours a wide-screen?

On an LCD, there is no advantage to running at 70Hz - LCD's don't "flicker".



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Somewhere between GW and GW2

Shaved Wookies [HoT]


yep. Mine's a widescreen. I think the driver got the performance upped a bit but the random flickering at the edges of the screen sometimes bothers me. Should I just leave it be since its harmless or should I download another driver then?

btw, changing the refresh rate to 70Hz won't fix this screen-edge flickering then huh?



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Aug 2005


Brothers Disgruntled

Originally Posted by kazi_saki
btw, changing the refresh rate to 70Hz won't fix this screen-edge flickering then huh?
The "flicker" that people refer to when talking about refresh rate, only applies to CRT monitors. It's an overall "flicker" of the whole screen, not just some parts or textures and is not a sort of on/off flicker but more of a subtle pulsing. Your flickering is more likely a driver problem. You might be best off to get the latest driver from either your computer manufacturer's website, or from nVidia's website.