For some time now my processor cooler has been causing a strange sound (the blades of the fan keep hitting the cooling ring around the fan) so I decided to open my computer, take out the fan, clean it and put it back in, restart my computer and see what happens, the damn fan got stuck and didn't move. -.-
So I immediately turned off my computer (I have an AMD processor and if those don't get cooled properly my computer turns into a nuclear reactor >.>)
I reopened my computer and poked the fan, it's magnetically attached to the rotating thingy (forgot the name) and it's quite loose.
The fan has been working 12 hours every day across 2 years, so could it be that it's worn out (already)? Or does anyone know a way to fix it? (Was planning to glu the fan to the rotating device but I'm no expert on hardware so I don't know what would happen...)
PS. I have a Golden Orb II (they suck. n.n)
Processor cooler gets stuck.
Replace the fan. It's really not worth the trouble to repair it and new fans aren't very expensive.
Well... I'll be sent to a boarding school tomorrow along with my computer and I was hoping for a temporarily solution, maybe cutting off a bit of the blades so they don't hit the cooling ring.
Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding
Alexandra's fan~
Alexandra's fan~
You need to replace your fan unless you plan to keep your computer's side panel open and in visible sight at all times that it's on, you are really juggling the life or death of your computer by taking chances with a broken CPU fan like that.
Cutting off fan blades will not work, it will completely ruin the fan's rotation balance and it will be completely ineffective then.
I guess your best bet is to Jerry Rig it until you can get a new one, just keep your eye on it and don't leave your computer AFK for a long time without watching it.
Also to be safe, go into your BIOS and enable the shut down temperature, it will shut your computer off if your CPU reaches like 65-80C (depending on what temps your BIOS allows and what you select) that will protect you from turning it into a nuclear reactor for the most part.
Cutting off fan blades will not work, it will completely ruin the fan's rotation balance and it will be completely ineffective then.
I guess your best bet is to Jerry Rig it until you can get a new one, just keep your eye on it and don't leave your computer AFK for a long time without watching it.
Also to be safe, go into your BIOS and enable the shut down temperature, it will shut your computer off if your CPU reaches like 65-80C (depending on what temps your BIOS allows and what you select) that will protect you from turning it into a nuclear reactor for the most part.
Originally Posted by Alexandra-Sweet
Well... I'll be sent to a boarding school tomorrow along with my computer and I was hoping for a temporarily solution, maybe cutting off a bit of the blades so they don't hit the cooling ring.
If it simply is hitting the cage, you may be able to push the fan blades farther back on the shaft. Or, you could put the stock fan back on it (if you have it) and set the clock back if you've overclocked it.
I tried starting my computer again this morning and the fan didn't got stuck, instead it slightly hits the ring again and causes a strange sound, I guess I will just let my computer run and monitor the temperature (and of course follow Brianne's advice)
Damn you Snograt!
Damn you Snograt!