Greetings. My nvidia 6800GS stock fan died the other day ago, so I dispatched the video card until I put a new modded fan. Meanwhile I am using my old ATI Radeon 9200SE but now the card is displaying graphical anomalies on all my games. If you look closely you should see the graphical anomalies over my character's cape.
I did the usual troubleshooting, dusting, cleaning, driver cleaning, resetting the card, etc... but none of them is fixing my problem. Is my video card damaged? I suppose so, it's quite old and I used it a lot.
Here are my system specs.
Windows XP (sp2)
PentiumD 2.8
ATI RADEON 9200 (Omega Drivers 3.8.252, I also tried the default drivers and still give me the same problem).
Edit:Changed pic showing where to look. Is quite hard to figure it out....
Graphical Glitches/Anomalies
Lord Sojar
Looks like sprite misdraws? I can't tell from the low resolution and actively seeing them. My guess, it is the older GPU failing. The 9000 radeons had TERRIBLE leaking issues.
Thanks for pointing that out Rahja. Here is a better pic showing more anomalies.
looks like overheating to me.
if i remember correctly, the radeon 9200SE is a low profile card and does not even have a fan. it probably cannot take the additional heat.
if i remember correctly, the radeon 9200SE is a low profile card and does not even have a fan. it probably cannot take the additional heat.
Originally Posted by moriz
looks like overheating to me.
if i remember correctly, the radeon 9200SE is a low profile card and does not even have a fan. it probably cannot take the additional heat. |
Looks like it's artifacting as well, which is a sign of over heating.