What kind of heroes
Well since we all know about the upcoming Golem Hero that is coming avalaible to any1 who has the 3 core campaigns, I was wondering. What kind of species or just skin model of Hero would you have liked to see, along with their profession? I am aware that most likely this is the last Hero we will see but just for fun. What would you have wanted? To keep it interesting lets keep the (variable change anytime you want) profession out of discussion. Would be cool, but since players can't change their main profession, it would be unfair for heroes to do so.
Also, I am disregaring the fact that we already have 3 of some type of hero since most of the time I usually hate one of the 3 (IE Dunkoro or Olias. Their ugly >_<)
To start off.
Dredge - Either monk or Ranger
Spirit of the fallen or An eternal (The ascalon/FoW ghost's) Warrior
Tengu (Quetzle like skin) Mesmer or Necro
Forgotten Monk or mesmer
White Mantle Knight Warrior
Shining Blade monk or ranger
JAde Brotherhood Mage
Just to name a few. What about you.
Also, I am disregaring the fact that we already have 3 of some type of hero since most of the time I usually hate one of the 3 (IE Dunkoro or Olias. Their ugly >_<)
To start off.
Dredge - Either monk or Ranger
Spirit of the fallen or An eternal (The ascalon/FoW ghost's) Warrior
Tengu (Quetzle like skin) Mesmer or Necro
Forgotten Monk or mesmer
White Mantle Knight Warrior
Shining Blade monk or ranger
JAde Brotherhood Mage
Just to name a few. What about you.
Male Dopple for warrior hero.
Female Dopple for leet ele heroine.
Would be kinda cool to have a bound/tamed Shiro as a hero assassin, too.
Female Dopple for leet ele heroine.
Would be kinda cool to have a bound/tamed Shiro as a hero assassin, too.
none, we have enough heros imo, it just should be simple 1 hero for each class.
Justicar Hablion... pwnage!
Evenia.. so I can display her fine form in my HoM.
Kilroy Stonekin... but he only has "attack" option.. no wimpy "defend" or "avoid." (kidding, but that would be funny, eh?)
Evenia.. so I can display her fine form in my HoM.
Kilroy Stonekin... but he only has "attack" option.. no wimpy "defend" or "avoid." (kidding, but that would be funny, eh?)
Xunlai Guru Agent
Originally Posted by Pleikki
none, we have enough heros imo, it just should be simple 1 hero for each class.
Originally Posted by Pleikki
none, we have enough heros imo, it just should be simple 1 hero for each class.
Originally Posted by The_Kai
Not really... try a sabway with only one necro :P
You have the wall, you have Aegis and you have PS.
Win, win, win!
True. But I'd say:
Replace N/Rt with Rt/Mo or Monk.
MM with Rt/N
And use Necro hero to spam curses.
No, not that kind of curses.
No, not that either. More like [Spiteful Spirit] or [Soul Bind].
But I would like 3rd para hero. That new golem hero could be him... I mean, dervish worshiping Gods? I mean, THIRD DERVISH? Does anyone need more than 1 dervish hero in a team?
Replace N/Rt with Rt/Mo or Monk.
MM with Rt/N
And use Necro hero to spam curses.
No, not that kind of curses.
No, not that either. More like [Spiteful Spirit] or [Soul Bind].
But I would like 3rd para hero. That new golem hero could be him... I mean, dervish worshiping Gods? I mean, THIRD DERVISH? Does anyone need more than 1 dervish hero in a team?
Eh, as much as I enjoy heroes, getting any more really is not going to help much until/if they unlock us the ability to use 7 heroes =[
A Tengu would be pretty cool actually. Ooo or a hyrda would be fun huh? XD
But I think I'd rather see a way to organize the heroes in the drop down box (alphabetical, profession, etc) than have more at the moment. lol.
But I think I'd rather see a way to organize the heroes in the drop down box (alphabetical, profession, etc) than have more at the moment. lol.

A destroyer, dunno how that would work storywise though

The Red Messenger
what we need is a way to organize the hero list. personalize it so the ones you want are on the top or sort em by class. however you need...
They already are organized! ...By what I don't know, but one day we may just figure that out. :P
As for another hero, what about getting a margonite or destroyer? Yah I know the two are created with the sole purpose of destroying humanity into nothingness. I point you to my good friend Pyre. His pappy thought the same thing till we pwnt him in the searing.
As for another hero, what about getting a margonite or destroyer? Yah I know the two are created with the sole purpose of destroying humanity into nothingness. I point you to my good friend Pyre. His pappy thought the same thing till we pwnt him in the searing.
A shadow beast thingy. They are possibly my fave creature in this game. I love the cartonny look of them.
wtb pve "ghostly hero" hero
Shiro Katagari
I want a gnarled, grouchy-looking Hekett for a Hero - possibly as a Ritualist (or Ele, but we've got a bunch of them already and the next Ele Hero should be a female model like most other people have said... no, not *that* kinda model!)
They should make the GOLEM customizable to be any class you want. It would be like loading it up with the appropriate software - melee, ranged, or magical - and have it behave accordingly.
Need that extra Monk? No problem.
Want another Paragon? Done.
From what I read in other's posts, Razah was supposed to be a morphable Hero - one that could become any class.
Make acquisition like the Black Moa mini pet - components have to be gathered across all campaigns, and in special quests.
Need that extra Monk? No problem.
Want another Paragon? Done.
From what I read in other's posts, Razah was supposed to be a morphable Hero - one that could become any class.
Make acquisition like the Black Moa mini pet - components have to be gathered across all campaigns, and in special quests.
I think a ghostly hero would be cool to have. Add in a handful of quests for him to restore his lost glory and whatnot and then after you finish aiding him, he decides to join you.
Edit: sixofone that's a good idea, I just couldn't help but laugh at the idea of a spear throwing robot ^^
Edit: sixofone that's a good idea, I just couldn't help but laugh at the idea of a spear throwing robot ^^
Sylvari Ele
Elder III
I want Kilroy as a WaMo

Originally Posted by Pleikki
none, we have enough heros imo, it just should be simple 1 hero for each class.
Originally Posted by jimme
Sylvari Ele
I realize that the new hero being a dervish can be a bummer, mostly since I NEVER use dervish hero's. BUT it's still another hero and people Do want to run 4-3 derv builds but can't. It's good slight AoE damage if you ask me. 3 Avatar of Melendrue's is looking kind of promising or Lyssas. That's beside the point.
New hero Captain Falcon. Profession= Falcon Punch!.....Or warrior....w/e ^_^
Was gonna suggest Centuar but then I forgot about Zhed....and how much I despise him.
How's about a destoyer YOUNGLING since a couple of you want that? Kinda like the moa chick quest line, but this time you hatch a destroyer shell! lol
Orrrr I would like an undead necro that you get after you beat the proph story line, since the scepter of orr is no longer in the Lich's hand.
aka Easy
Originally Posted by Elder III
I want Kilroy as a WaMo
![]() |
Originally Posted by Pleikki
none, we have enough heros imo, it just should be simple 1 hero for each class.
Originally Posted by StormDragonZ
Two heroes per class: One male and one female. That, in my opinion, would be better.
You know what I mean? I just wanna see what kind of hero skin races people would think is cool.
Tender Wolf
Disregarding profession, many have said Tengu should be allowed as a playable race in Guild Wars 2. How about a hero too?
Sylvari would be nice but of course they won't be added until the sequel. That's all I can think of at the moment.
StormDragonZ: That would be a good idea, I always wondered if they'd make a female ele hero. lol They're probably afraid the outfit would be too revealing (or so a guildie told me).
acj2123: My response to that would be to get rid of...hmm...*thinks* That's a tough one, I kinda like them all and how they each have their own little story. lol But Tahlkora and Hayda can get annoying what with their huge desire to be heroes and all and that's really all they talk about.
StormDragonZ: That would be a good idea, I always wondered if they'd make a female ele hero. lol They're probably afraid the outfit would be too revealing (or so a guildie told me).

acj2123: My response to that would be to get rid of...hmm...*thinks* That's a tough one, I kinda like them all and how they each have their own little story. lol But Tahlkora and Hayda can get annoying what with their huge desire to be heroes and all and that's really all they talk about.
Originally Posted by Abedeus
True. But I'd say:
Replace N/Rt with Rt/Mo or Monk. MM with Rt/N And use Necro hero to spam curses. ZOMFG YOU N000BSSS No, not that kind of curses. MAY YOUR VOMITS FILL THE SPACE IN YOUR SPINAL CORD AFTER I WILL RIP IT OFF No, not that either. More like [Spiteful Spirit] or [Soul Bind]. But I would like 3rd para hero. That new golem hero could be him... I mean, dervish worshiping Gods? I mean, THIRD DERVISH? Does anyone need more than 1 dervish hero in a team? |
Originally Posted by Tender Wolf
StormDragonZ: That would be a good idea, I always wondered if they'd make a female ele hero. lol They're probably afraid the outfit would be too revealing (or so a guildie told me).
Originally Posted by V E R A T T A
wtb pve "ghostly hero" hero
Originally Posted by sixofone
They should make the GOLEM customizable to be any class you want. It would be like loading it up with the appropriate software - melee, ranged, or magical - and have it behave accordingly. Need that extra Monk? No problem. Want another Paragon? Done. From what I read in other's posts, Razah was supposed to be a morphable Hero - one that could become any class. Make acquisition like the Black Moa mini pet - components have to be gathered across all campaigns, and in special quests.
Margonites (desolation type).
I know they are evil, they still look sweet.
I know they are evil, they still look sweet.
*grins* A dragon hero! ^_^
Amnel Ithtirsol
More paragons.
And make it so they can use SY as well
And make it so they can use SY as well

Konig Des Todes
What heroes would I want to have? Mmk.
1. Tengu (any clan) - Rt
2. Devona - W
3. Eve - N
4. Cynn - E
5. Mhenlo - Mo
6. Aiden - R
7. Margonite - P
8. Dredge - A
9. Djinn - D
10. Undead - Me
11.Kilroy Stonekin - W/D/A (changeable between all three, as he represents more of the generic melee over-aggroer, not just a short Leeroy Jenkins)
12. Ghostly Hero - changeable (The look changes as well between choice of profession, from the ghost skins that exist already)
13. Sylvari - changeable
14. Golem - Changeable
Then remove hero cap. Or increase it to 5 heroes (and 7 at Urgoz/Deep).
Then remove all Henchmen.
And for making it 30 heroes with solid professions (and 5 as changeable). Remove these heroes.
1. Sousuke
2. Jin
3. Goren
4. Norgu
5. Xandra
Then Change Master of Whispers to a Ritualist hero and change Razah to an changable profession like he should have been (I think thats how both were originally planned to be, because if Razah was not going to be a Rt, then where would the Rt hero be?).
1. Tengu (any clan) - Rt
2. Devona - W
3. Eve - N
4. Cynn - E
5. Mhenlo - Mo
6. Aiden - R
7. Margonite - P
8. Dredge - A
9. Djinn - D
10. Undead - Me
11.Kilroy Stonekin - W/D/A (changeable between all three, as he represents more of the generic melee over-aggroer, not just a short Leeroy Jenkins)
12. Ghostly Hero - changeable (The look changes as well between choice of profession, from the ghost skins that exist already)
13. Sylvari - changeable
14. Golem - Changeable
Then remove hero cap. Or increase it to 5 heroes (and 7 at Urgoz/Deep).
Then remove all Henchmen.
And for making it 30 heroes with solid professions (and 5 as changeable). Remove these heroes.
1. Sousuke
2. Jin
3. Goren
4. Norgu
5. Xandra
Then Change Master of Whispers to a Ritualist hero and change Razah to an changable profession like he should have been (I think thats how both were originally planned to be, because if Razah was not going to be a Rt, then where would the Rt hero be?).
i've kept the quest "Lost Souls" (think that's it's name) in my quest log mainly becuase you get a party of random species npcs. It's awesome.
In all honesty, the hero's appearance doesn't change jack for me. Dunkoro is fugly and I still use him, just like Masters and Olias. I'll probably try MOX for the fun of it, then like most melee heroes I won't use it.
Just give me 3 of each profession and I'll be fine with it.
Agree with hero cap. Disagree about henchmen. There are people out there who are still running without NF - unless you give everyone heroes?
Just give me 3 of each profession and I'll be fine with it.
Originally Posted by Azazel The Assassin
Then remove hero cap. Or increase it to 5 heroes (and 7 at Urgoz/Deep).
Then remove all Henchmen. |
Let's see...
We have a Tyrian Assassin and a Canthan Assassin....
We have a Tyrian Dervish and an Elonian Dervish...
We have a Tyrian Paragon and an Elonian Paragon...
We have a Canthan Ritualist and an Elonian Ritualist...
We have 3 of every profession but Ritualist, Paragon and Assassin.
Warrior and Elementalist have 5 attributes instead of 4.
There are no female Elementalist heroines.
So the missing ones are...
Another Warrior, a female Elementalist, Prophecies Ritualist, Nightfall Assassin and Factions Paragon.
My suggestion is:
- One Prophecies Male Warrior Doppelganger. Acquirable after Augury rock if you have Eye of the North.
- One Prophecies Female Elementalist Doppelganger. Acquirable after Augury rock if you have Eye of the North.
- One Prophecies Ritualist Forgotten One. Acquirable after beating The Tombs of Primeval Kings if you have Factions.
- One Factions Paragon Celestial Tengu. Acquirable Nahpui Quarter if you have Nightfall.
- One Nightfall Assassin Mummy. Acquirable after Gate of Desolation if you have Factions.
That way we'll have 4 heroes for each professions with 5 attributes and 3 heroes for each profession with 4.
We have a Tyrian Assassin and a Canthan Assassin....
We have a Tyrian Dervish and an Elonian Dervish...
We have a Tyrian Paragon and an Elonian Paragon...
We have a Canthan Ritualist and an Elonian Ritualist...
We have 3 of every profession but Ritualist, Paragon and Assassin.
Warrior and Elementalist have 5 attributes instead of 4.
There are no female Elementalist heroines.
So the missing ones are...
Another Warrior, a female Elementalist, Prophecies Ritualist, Nightfall Assassin and Factions Paragon.
My suggestion is:
- One Prophecies Male Warrior Doppelganger. Acquirable after Augury rock if you have Eye of the North.
- One Prophecies Female Elementalist Doppelganger. Acquirable after Augury rock if you have Eye of the North.
- One Prophecies Ritualist Forgotten One. Acquirable after beating The Tombs of Primeval Kings if you have Factions.
- One Factions Paragon Celestial Tengu. Acquirable Nahpui Quarter if you have Nightfall.
- One Nightfall Assassin Mummy. Acquirable after Gate of Desolation if you have Factions.
That way we'll have 4 heroes for each professions with 5 attributes and 3 heroes for each profession with 4.
Karate Jesus
Originally Posted by sixofone
They should make the GOLEM customizable to be any class you want. It would be like loading it up with the appropriate software - melee, ranged, or magical - and have it behave accordingly.
Need that extra Monk? No problem. Want another Paragon? Done. From what I read in other's posts, Razah was supposed to be a morphable Hero - one that could become any class. Make acquisition like the Black Moa mini pet - components have to be gathered across all campaigns, and in special quests. |
I mean seriously...they make him PVE only and he can't change primary professions? Stupid.
As we get closer to the release of GW2, i would like to see a Sylvari hero. Other than 2 concept arts and a short description, we don't know much about the Sylvari. A Sylvari hero could have a quest to unlock it and it would better aquaint us with the race.
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
My suggestion is:
- One Prophecies Male Warrior Doppelganger. Acquirable after Augury rock if you have Eye of the North. - One Prophecies Female Elementalist Doppelganger. Acquirable after Augury rock if you have Eye of the North. - One Prophecies Ritualist Forgotten One. Acquirable after beating The Tombs of Primeval Kings if you have Factions. - One Factions Paragon Celestial Tengu. Acquirable Nahpui Quarter if you have Nightfall. - One Nightfall Assassin Mummy. Acquirable after Gate of Desolation if you have Factions. That way we'll have 4 heroes for each professions with 5 attributes and 3 heroes for each profession with 4. |
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
Let's see...
We have 3 of every profession but Ritualist, Paragon and Assassin. |