For example it would make some areas in between "easy with heroes and henchmen" and
"almost impossible with heroes and henchmen" viable. Dungeons in HM for instance or some
vanquishes; DP removal on the entire party would make a huge difference also.
Henchmen would not be written out of game either, many players don't have EoTN or Nightfall
meaning they have no access to heroes and are inclined to use henchmen. Futhermore it would
not make 4 man areas and easier nor would it greatly increase the ease of 6 man areas.
If A-Net say that the reason they will not allow the use of 7 heroes per person is the fear of
making the game single player, for many it already is. Many people in huge alliances find themselves
doing HM Handbooks with H&H as not many people "feel" like commiting 2.5-3hours of their lives per
book on a regular basis. Even less likely will a person get 8 players for a whole book or 3-4 dungeons
in one go making the required use of heroes and henchmen greater.
If people have the friends/guilds to do higher end areas with then they wont need or use heroes, if
they don't then heroes should be an alternative that actually works. Heroes will never have the common
sense of human players and therefore even with 7 heroes some areas may not be possible i.e. heavy AoE
and your backline just decides to stand in it. Lastly heroes cannot use any of the high powered PvE skills.
Maybe it's just me but having 7 heroes would add another level to the game, players could create full team
builds and test them out, like HA or GvG rather than having to settle for henchmen with mediocre preset builds.
They would bridge the gap between the possible and impossible, and reduce the annoying wait to find a full team
to do an activity just out of reach of H&H groups.
Comments are very welcome