Good non-Imbagon builds?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007

Fairbanks, Alaska


Not everyone has Factions or GWEN... yet, but I do have Prophecies. I was wondering what were some builds that don't rely on just ["Save Yourselves!"] and GWEN PVE skills? In my build I usually have [Spear of Lightning][Go for the Eyes][Anthem of Flame]["There's nothing to fear"][Aggressive refrain] and I either bring ["Fall Back!"] or [Cautery Signet], but outside of those first 5 skills, I really have no clue what to use or what Secondary to go. :x I do enjoy the support role and I rarely run out of energy with my builds, but I'm not sure of what Paragon's can really do outside of the Imbagon builds and spreading burning. I'm level 20 and still in the Vabbi Mission areas, so I am up for capping elites that you guys suggest. Also, is that other IAS worth getting because it's a 33% IAS instead of AR's 25% (soldier's something)?

I was playing a Mesmer and Dervish for the last week and hopped on my Paragon just to show my bro how Leadership works, and dang, I forgot how much fun they were. I haven't played him in months and now I wanna finish the story with him.

Rothan Celt

Rothan Celt

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2008



Try using stunning spear / Epidemic to spread daze along with minor support.
Ebon dust aura is also useful with a spear.

Edit: Just noticed you dnt have factions o.O Try using Fevered dreams on a hero then. if you do go with daze spam then of course bring a Barrage ranger.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

Leader-Legion of Avalon [LoA] Alliance-Recruiting PM for info!

Try the paragon thread by Snow Bunny-it's stickied at the top.

I posted several paragon builds that should work for you.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2007



Cruel Spear - to grab just early on elona mainland - very good para elite, combine with warrior shout FGJ, - helping both with damage output and protecting team.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mt Vernon, Ohio

Band of the Hawk


Good suggestions here for your build, my little suggestion is use your paragon hero as a Motivation Paragon. Builds on the wiki. With or without a MM you can then concentrate on damage.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2007

Fairbanks, Alaska


Alright, I'll check those out, thanks. I'll also try to cap Cruel Spear later on as well. And with my previous question, is [Soldier's Fury] better than [Aggressive Refrain] now since it attacks faster?



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Soldier's Fury uses up your elite slot, Aggressive Refrain doesn't. You have much better choices for your elite.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

Leader-Legion of Avalon [LoA] Alliance-Recruiting PM for info!

While AR has a hefty fee, it is a one time deal-by using things like TNtF and Anthem of Flame/Weariness you can keep it for however long you want at 12 leadership.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

No other builds besides an "imbagon" have really caught my attention (and because of that, my Para collects dust) but if I was to run somethin else, It'd probably be Stunning Strike with Spear of Fury to fuel it.

I had an idea of using Dark Fury on a paragon with "The Power is Yours" as e-management, but haven't tried messin around with it yet.

Bowstring Badass

Bowstring Badass

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Originally Posted by Richardt
While AR has a hefty fee, it is a one time deal-by using things like TNtF and Anthem of Flame/Weariness you can keep it for however long you want at 12 leadership. I think its able to be kept up at the lowest of 9 leadership.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

Leader-Legion of Avalon [LoA] Alliance-Recruiting PM for info!

If that's true, then what shout are you using to keep AR up outside of battle? Looking over the skills I'm not seeing a way to keep AR up with a 17s duration.


Emo Goth Italics

Join Date: Sep 2006

I'd use "We Shall Return!".

Reasons are: AoF isn't my cup of tea, AoW is pretty dumb when I'm using Enfeebling Blood.

That is, if I can't keep AR up with TNTF.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

not mexico



I use [Cruel Spear] and [Blazing Spear] with [Fall Back] to kite my opponents. That's pretty much all the attacks I need. The rest of my skill bar can be used for support skills varying on location. I have a hard time getting away from [Go for the Eyes!] for energy management. For IAS I use [Aggressive Refrain] and keep it up with either [Anthem of Flame] or [Anthem of Weariness]



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

My cruel spear build (If I remember correctly):

Cruel spear
Blazing spear
Spear of lightning/swift javelin (depending if there's an order in the party)
Watch yourself (for the energy, but extra armor is nice without an SY)
Ebon battle standard of honor (or I am the strongest/GDW)

14 Spear
12 Leadership
6 tactics (for watch yourself, if you take GftE as energy engine spec into command ofc)

Cast AR with a +3 leadership helm and maintain it with TNTF (or even fgj).



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

Leader-Legion of Avalon [LoA] Alliance-Recruiting PM for info!

Originally Posted by Tyla
I'd use "We Shall Return!".

Reasons are: AoF isn't my cup of tea, AoW is pretty dumb when I'm using Enfeebling Blood.

That is, if I can't keep AR up with TNTF. That'd prolly work pretty well for Leadership at 10+, which is the lowest you'll want to have it-makes no sense really to have Leadership at an odd number.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2007

The Arctic Marauders


Well, if you don't mind using more shouts than spear attacks, this build is ridiculously fun when paired with an SF ele and orders derv

[Soldier's Fury] [Spear of Fury] [Blazing Spear] [They're On Fire] [Anthem of Flame] [Blazing Finale] [Save Yourselves!] [Signet of Return]

14 Leadership
12 Spear Mastery

Has excellent damage output and damage reduction thanks to insane AoE burning and ToF/SY. With 3 shouts and 14 leadership energy is never a problem (in an 8 man party), and spear of fury along with the orders take care of all your adrenaline. Just don't try to use it on destroyers... >.>

PS. Before people flame me for using Soldier's Fury over Agressive Refrain, the reason I use it is because my monk heroes inevitably spend battles removing Cracked Armor from me instead of doing useful things. It's just personal preference; I like the IAS/bonus adrenaline and don't mind recasting every 30 seconds. Although, if you're in an elite area where you're using cons, you might as well switch it out for Focused Anger since you'll get the IAS from Essence of Celerity and FA will net you more adrenaline.

PS again. If you don't have access to SY, Go For The Eyes! is a decent alternative, and just noticed that the description for Soldier's Fury is wrong. It provides a 33% IAS with 33% more adrenaline as well while under the effect of a chant or shout.


Emo Goth Italics

Join Date: Sep 2006

Originally Posted by Richardt
That'd prolly work pretty well for Leadership at 10+, which is the lowest you'll want to have it-makes no sense really to have Leadership at an odd number. Maybe there's some sort of hidden breakpoint at 9 Leadership!

I see your point here. I generally wouldn't go below 10 Leadership on Paragons anyway, unless it's on an area with 4 allies only.

Rhamia Darigaz

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2008

Originally Posted by shadowmage61
Well, if you don't mind using more shouts than spear attacks, this build is ridiculously fun when paired with an SF ele and orders derv

[Soldier's Fury] [Spear of Fury] [Blazing Spear] [They're On Fire] [Anthem of Flame] [Blazing Finale] [Save Yourselves!] [Signet of Return] ups, u used skills from fractions. do u remember y OP made this thred?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2007

The Arctic Marauders


Originally Posted by Rhamia Darigaz
ups, u used skills from fractions. do u remember y OP made this thred?
Originally Posted by shadowmage61
PS again. If you don't have access to SY, Go For The Eyes! is a decent alternative Although yeah, forgot about Spear of Fury. Swift Javelin is a decent replacement. Since you won't need to get the 8 adrenaline for SY, you shouldn't miss the extra adrenaline from Spear of Fury too badly.

And btw Rhamia, at least I tried to help the OP. Your +1 doesn't help the OP or contribute to the thread at all; it just shows how bad you are at spelling >.<



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Originally Posted by shadowmage61
[Soldier's Fury] [Spear of Fury] [Blazing Spear] [They're On Fire] [Anthem of Flame] [Blazing Finale] [Save Yourselves!] [Signet of Return]

PS. Before people flame me for using Soldier's Fury over Agressive Refrain, the reason I use it is because my monk heroes inevitably spend battles removing Cracked Armor from me instead of doing useful things. Don't run Monk Heroes, take Henchies instead.

If running 2-player/6-hero, just use the condi removal slots for something else.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008

Order Of the Pheonix


I am currently playing around with a few builds atm but this one has been a lot of fun... keep in mind this is an AB build and would need some adjustment for Pve or other types of Pvp.

[blazing spear][merciless spear][spear swipe][soldier's fury][can't touch this][fall back][leader's comfort] the last slot is your e managment of choice I personally like WS but gfte or one of the others is good.

anyhow still working on the build but the party speed buff is very much apreiciated in AB and the 10 seconds of daze is enough to take most eles or monks out in my exp. Ctt is nice against those anyoing touchers... throws them when their skill fails 4 times in a row.

atts are 12 leadership 13 spear 9 command

Edit noticed a few skill description discrepancies first blazing spear costs 6 adren and cant touch this cost 5 e not 10

btw anyone want to push for leaders comfort being a 1 second cast and 6 second recharge


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

not mexico



Yeah, LC is kinda annoying at such a long cast. I don't bother to use it unless I can find a way to break line of sight or a team mate to circle around. Otherwise there's really no reason to use it. It works well only because I use [Fall Back!] to get out of line of sight for the heal while I run and the additional heal from LC.

That's exactly like my second setup for AB except I sometimes use FGJ over Leader's Comfort...all depending on if my team actually sticks with me or are nubs. Most the time I can get away with just Fall Back's heal if I pay good attention to my surroundings.


Emo Goth Italics

Join Date: Sep 2006

Leader's Comfort is a pretty dumb skill to run on a Paragon...



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

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I can see how [[leader's comfort] would be nice in an AB, but take a look at that activation time-2s! That takes it out of the range of being good to just being terrible. A lot can happen in 2s, especially in a PvP setting.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2008

Order Of the Pheonix


Originally Posted by Tyla
Leader's Comfort is a pretty dumb skill to run on a Paragon... Love the helpful comments mind recommending another decent heal for a paragon? I might look into the sin shadow line to see if there is a decent heal there but not sure. Yea leaders comfort is a bad skill... but its better than nothing, and at very least will keep some of the bleading and poison conditions from killing you. Guess that is why I want to see it buffed a bit.

Paragons are a blast to play but I would like to see some skill variation, meh oh well just makes us who play them a lot have to be more creative.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2007

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Usually if I need some help with healing, I'd take [[never surrender]-however this got nerfed on the PvP side so I don't know how well it is. You can also heal while on the move with [[fall back].

For conditions, you have several options. [[spear of redemption] for removing blind, [[remedy signet] for various other conditions. You can also go /R and take [[antidote signet], which will remove conditions in bulk.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

not mexico



Never really had much use for condition removals. I normally just [Fall Back!] and find a better position. Cripple still sucks as does Blind but that's what pillar humping and running around team mates is for. Paras can take a beating.