The Corpse Corruption is looking for 24 members to join our GvG/AB/PvP family. We are not brand new, but this IS the first time I've EVER recruited.
All the information you will EVER need is provided in our website-
We are looking for loyal and dedicated members who are up for a structured Guild. We need people who aren't uptight but are willing and able to adjust if needed. Please check the Requirement section in the website.
I'm not interested in having a high number count of inactive members. That's why I took a lot of time to make this website- that's why I'd also rather those who are interested- look into it, rather than have me describe everything here.
In the website, under requirements- there will be an 'Apply Now' button. There's a form you can fill out if you're interested in joining us. Please don't message me via here nor in game unless you have done the application.
IGN: Zomara Corpse
Playtime is unknown as of now- We would rather gather people and then through a 'conference' decide what is good for everybody.
This is a guild that is very serious in becoming great. We want to treat everybody with high importance and our PvP members are seen as one of the most important members- so we expect a lot from you.
We have a full Guild Hall, Cape, Website (obviously), Forum and everything else is to come.
The Corpse Corruption [RIOT] is looking for GvG/AB/PvP members