State of PvE recently

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

Originally Posted by Keyote
Yeah I expected them to do something as well. The just left it as it is, and it hasn't done much except make many people delete their eles.
because god forbid you have to do something more then point and cast firestorm...*sigh*


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Lord Scoopula
I think PvE is great. For us people who suck at PvP, PvE is a great alternative. I think it's a great way to enjoy gametime, and there's more relaxation in the PvE world in my opinion. I don't care about drops or gold. I just want to have fun and kill some stuff
Have you played GTA's San Andreas??? This game would be right up your alley. You'll have fun and can kill ANYTHING. I been having a blast with it. Target had a sale on it for less than $20 and I finally picked it up. Blowing people up with the rocket launcher is my favorite part.

As for me and PVE and PVP, it's all gotten rather boring. Loot or no loot, the same areas with basically the same mobs in the same place is just old school mmorpg style to me and I put in near 5 years of that with EQ. I thought GW's would offer something a bit more open than that.

This game needs a big shot of "randomness" in instant missions/areas. It also needs a big shot of "create mobs/npc's by the average level of the group. Like EQ did with LDON. Just something to keep the game ever changing at least as far as challenge goes. Where's the challenge when you kill griffons after griffons with the same build day after day, night after night, week after week? If you want to freak out farmers, randomize what skills mobs have every instance. When a bunch of griffons cast degens and disenchants on people you will see some lively roar in the community. (smile) I never understood why each creature must be a carbon copy of itself everytime you encounter it. The system is too socialist and should be more democratic with choices for the mobs/npcs to make everytime someone enters an instance.

Lord Sojar

Lord Sojar

The Fallen One

Join Date: Dec 2005




You people need to find a balance. For christ's sake... stop bitching and try enjoying the game, or just stop playing. My biggest complaint are the COMPLAINERS! You never shut up. I help on Thead a lot with my monk, and 100% success lately provided there is a battery necro and we camp the king. Relating to drops... uhh, 3 black dyes this week, godly chaos axe last week, godly feathered longbow from winning a round in halls this evening, and Sup absorb 2 weeks ago, not to mention 8 ectos on my run last night, which ended up being 6 for me since the necro only got 3, and i wanted to even it up. PvP is full of conceited tards who think they are all that. Pfff... right... Here is the real fact. PvPers are good at PvP, and PvEers are good at PvE. And then there are those of us that do BOTH. I have broadened my horizons and now play both areas, and IMHO, I am damn good at what I do in either area. In PvP, well hell, I won HoH with a PUG Ranger Spike this evening (I was using my PVE monk with an active protection build). And, two of my characters have NONebayed FoW armor. Learn to play both and enjoy a nice balance folks. It's retarded to see fools argueing over which is better, which requires more skill, etc etc, blah, blah, STFU already. Play the game and be nice about it, or go on damn WoW or Galaxies and get out of my groups! That's my damn say on this matter, and I am sticking to it. If you having something personal to say about me regarding this post, PM me instead of making an ass of yourself publically. Cheers.

Lasher Dragon

Lasher Dragon

Draconic Rage Incarnate

Join Date: Apr 2005




Originally Posted by Jas
I'd like to say "Make Alesia pure heal". She is like 1/3 healer, 1/3 protector and 1/3 smiter... and she is bad in each area of monking
She would be quite a useful companion if she just would be pure healer.
I agree, however, you are a bit off on your calculations there...

Alesia is 1/6 Healer, 1/6 protector, 1/6 smiter, and 1/2 tank - you can't tell me you didn't know that. She's a bad-ass! Man, if you ever have a chance, sit back and watch her jump into melee. I swear enemies just run away from that nasty starter rod she wields.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

[It's retarded to see fools argueing over which is better,]

So, you're saying you're retarded? Ok np. (smile)