This Game Is [EAZY]


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2008

London, UK


Hello. Myself and I Monk Of Fury I have taken the time to create a new dominantly PvE guild!
(Though I daresay we will branch into smaller forms of PvP)

A litte about myself and Fury: We have both clocked up over 1,000 hours on Guild Wars and share a fair amount of titles between us, both rare-ish and common. We've been playing for two years with small breaks due to work.

My goals: To obtain MLBB - GWAMM: I enjoy title hunting, for me the game revolves around my titles. I currently have obtained People Know Me.

Fury's goals: To obtain many rarely found titles *Treasure hunting, party, drunkard and obtain many rare items*

I will be purchasing a Ventrilo server in a few days. (Waiting to get paid)

If anybody reading has the same goals as either myself of I Monk Of Fury I, then please join us in our new guild. Together we can build teams of people who can easily work together and make grouping much more easy.

A few requirement to join! (Sorry, this is not a newbie friendly guild!)
Playing time: We are hoping for 800+ hours.
Titles: Must be able to display one GOOD maxed title. *No GW:EN/NF faction titles, PLEASE!*
Age: We don't enjoy catering to unreliable kids either, no offence iintended. Let's aim for 15+ and PLEASE, be mature.
Ventrilo usage: I personally aim to have a busy GW Ventrilo. Being able to use the mic will greatly increase acceptance chances.

Cliff: this might seem a little harsh, but it is far better to have a guild with 10 GOOD players who are active, friendly and experienced rather than 100 players who are not. This might be a small guild, it could grow to be amazing.
I have to time to individually check every applicant.

Link for the forums: