Vista disconnects connection to Internet hourly

Woop Shotty

Woop Shotty

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ruthless Mafia [RM]


My Vista internet drops hourly, and with all the searches I have made to find an answer to the problem, I just keep finding threads and blog sites that offer suggestions which don't help anyone.

I timed it and saw that it was occurring hourly, as with many other people out there. I see that it appears I have the newest drivers for my Intel 10/100/1000 that's on my Mac Pro. I double checked to see that power management options for the card were disabled. I stopped IPv6. I went into the card settings to disable some advanced settings that were said to cause problems (something like buffer overflow checks).

I haven't found a solution, and it still bothers me just as much as it did day one. I hate Vista, and the obvious solution is to get rid of Vista, but I am not putting forth over $100 to fix Microsoft problems, especially when I use Windows mainly to play Guild Wars.

Has anyone seen a fix to overcome this Vista bug? Please don't comment "install XP."



Wilds Pathfinder

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Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2006



Run CMD prompt with administrator priveledges. Once there, type ipconfig/release. Now, once that has done its thing, type ipconfig/renew. This should renew your ip and therefore the leases upon it (which probably had an hour expiration). If the problem returns, then some hardware configuration is probably in order.

Woop Shotty

Woop Shotty

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ruthless Mafia [RM]


Thanks. I don't know why I hadn't tried IPCONFIG /ALL before. I just found out that each time my DHCP IP is renewed, the lease is set to expire one hour later.

Do you know how I can stop this from happening? I've disabled DHCP and I'll be using a static IP, and I'll see if I continue to have the problem.

Edit: I think this fixed the problem. Thanks for helping me out! This has been bothering me for so long!



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Aug 2005


Brothers Disgruntled

Note that this problem could just as easily happen in XP (or possibly even OSX) before anyone goes off on another Vista rant.

High Voltage Killer

High Voltage Killer

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The Blitzkrieg Militia [WWII]


I have the same problem, but my Del XPS Vista comp does it every 5 min or so, how do we stop this?

Woop Shotty

Woop Shotty

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ruthless Mafia [RM]


Originally Posted by Quaker
Note that this problem could just as easily happen in XP (or possibly even OSX) before anyone goes off on another Vista rant.
Well, it happened in Vista for probably half a year, and I have never seen this happen on any other operating system. In OS X, I use the same exact Internet connection, and I have never had this Internet problem, and I have always used DHCP on it.

From my searches trying to find a solution, I have found out that others with the problem were restarting the computer each time. I at least knew that the connection could be reestablished easily with the networking icon. The inconvenience of it is not acceptable. The system attempts to find solutions, but comes up with nothing. It's a shame that it took me so long to find out what was happening. I'm not a computer novice, but I dealt with Vista by always reestablishing the connection. There is a strange tendency for Vista to do this, and I have no idea why there hasn't been a quick patch released to address the problem.

If you run a search, you'll find that there are plenty of people having all kinds of network issues directly related to Vista. I was going to leave the topic alone, but then you played it down.



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Aug 2005


Brothers Disgruntled

Originally Posted by Woop Shotty
If you run a search, you'll find that there are plenty of people having all kinds of network issues directly related to Vista. I was going to leave the topic alone, but then you played it down.
I only meant that this is not a "Vista" thing - I've never had this problem with XP or Vista or Linux. This problem seems to have been caused by the IP lease time, which could happen with any OS (or even a router).
Whether or not people are having network issues directly related to Vista, the point is, this issue is related to IP lease time, which is not directly related to Vista.

Or to put it yet another way, if you dig into your OSX or XP and set your IP lease time to one hour, you'll have the same problem.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

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Shaved Wookies [HoT]


Are you sure it's not a vista thing??? Cuz mine does that too. Just not as regular as the previous posters but pretty often enough sometimes. After it disconnects, it cannot connect or even detect the network I was connected to until I restart. I hope someone helps us solve this. Me be grateful and give internet cookie.

TEB Elite

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2007

California, USA


try this:



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Feb 2008

Somewhere between GW and GW2

Shaved Wookies [HoT]


meh. still in alpha but what the hell, I'm using it anyways and haven't had problems in the past minute :P