Hmm, Hey, I'm Jay, I guessed this is where to put this thread, seeing as nowhere else fits.
Well, me and a couple of mates have been working on a webcomic, I guess I'll introduce you guys to the team.
Jay (Me!): Well, I'm the lazy artist of the team, in 5 months I've finished 2.5 comics! (Don't worry, I'll get started sometime soon )
Jacob: Main script writer, sits at home all day on his Xbox :P
Kieran: t3h w3bm45t3r! He's got us a website, so thanks to him.
???: I dunno who he is, I haven't met him yet, we *MIGHT* be getting a co-artist It depends on his style.
Well, the comic (as you guys might have guessed) is called SpecSoft, it's about the three main operating systems (In our opinion) Windows, Mac's OS X, and last (and least) Linux when they get impersonatedorized, no, that's not a word, but it means that the become real people, but with their (in)famous traits, eg. Windows, is generally rubbish and blue-screens. Mac occasionally freezes at just the right moments, and Linux well, he's Linux.
We'll be here to answer any questions you may have about the comic, and any modertators to ban and delete my account for advertising :P
Thee Holy Thread of Webcomics!