I liked the minipet itself, so I bought a ded one for 75k. (Which according to this site is a fair price for a ded Mallyx)
But, of course, I get tired of the Mallyx within a few days. I go to sell it, asking 78k.
I decide maybe I should just try and break even, so I try to sell for 75k.
Nothing for almost an hour.
Then 70k.
I decide, maybe I could lose a few more k, so I try to sell for 65k a few days later.
Nothing for about an hour.
I decide, alright, that's it, if this doesn't work, something's wrong. So I try to sell for 60k.
Nothing, yet again. I try to tell people...this is very cheap for a ded Mallyx! But one person insists that it isn't. More than one person (probably jokingly...but I dunno) said it was worth 5k. Which can't be true.
And now, I've decided to rant here.
I've never really cared about the Hall of Monuments. It seems so pointless. People seem to think if we dedicate a few minipets and get a few sets of armor that anet is going to beat GW2 for us and give us millions of gold coins. Which...is not true...obviously. For all we know GW2 could end up being a monthly payment service, in which case Anet would want people playing as much as possible...and extreme bonuses just for buying some minipets in GW1 will make the game easier for people, for doing nothing in GW2. In which case, people beat the game faster...get bored...deactivate account...whatever.
So, when I see the people will spend 100k + 20e for an unded Mini Mallyx, but less than 60k for a ded Mini Mallyx, (1/3 of the unded price!) I can't help but call bull on all of this.
Before the HoM people bought minipets because they looked cool or were rare. Mini Mallyxs aren't THAT rare anymore...but they're still rare. They're not an annual pet...they are a very rare reward from a coffer of whispers. I usually only see mine and maybe one other mallyx in Dis1 of all the major towns.
Now the Hall of Monuments is here and people care NOTHING about how rare or cool the minipet is and just buy undedicated pets because they think that if they dedicate pets that they'll get 1000000000g in GW2 and infinite girlfriends?
It's a joke. If I'm wrong, someone please enlighten me as to why.