Legendary Helper.
An idea I've been tinkering with is the Helper Title, to give those helping others out of pure generosity something for their time other then the 500 gold you get for completing it the first time.....
It'd be hard to actually create but whenever you do a mission you already have completed on that character with another person in your party who has not completed it, you earn 1-3 points (Depending on standard/expert/masters reward, 1 point for just bonus, 1 point for just the mission, another if you do both in the same sitting in Tyria).
To make it a little more valuable, a gold per rank system....for example...
At R1 Helper, you gain 50g x mission rank (Standard, Expert's, Master's) everytime you help someone.
At R2, it goes to 55g x SEM,
R3, 60g, etc......
Also tie in an emote, perhaps the Paragon wings in outposts at R3-5, R5-8 add a halo, at R8-11 the eyes of your character glow as you float up and at R12 the wings, halo and eyes stay whilst in the outpost.
Apologies if this thread is posted in the incorrect board or if this idea has already been submitted. I did seach for both Help and Title and no relevant results were shown.
It'd be hard to actually create but whenever you do a mission you already have completed on that character with another person in your party who has not completed it, you earn 1-3 points (Depending on standard/expert/masters reward, 1 point for just bonus, 1 point for just the mission, another if you do both in the same sitting in Tyria).
To make it a little more valuable, a gold per rank system....for example...
At R1 Helper, you gain 50g x mission rank (Standard, Expert's, Master's) everytime you help someone.
At R2, it goes to 55g x SEM,
R3, 60g, etc......
Also tie in an emote, perhaps the Paragon wings in outposts at R3-5, R5-8 add a halo, at R8-11 the eyes of your character glow as you float up and at R12 the wings, halo and eyes stay whilst in the outpost.
Apologies if this thread is posted in the incorrect board or if this idea has already been submitted. I did seach for both Help and Title and no relevant results were shown.
Kerwyn Nasilan
No, don't need more titles, don't need more emotes, bad title idea period.
Shayne Hawke
Turn an act of simple kindness into a title grind? This would greatly benefit mission runners and the like. Oh, and...
Your idea fails absolutely there.
Originally Posted by AlexEternal
Also tie in an emote...
I smell potential for abuse. The first mission in Nightfall is incredibly easy to get to, and even easier to complete. One person with a level 20 teams up with someone who creates a new character, they run the mission, pocket the gold, and the new characters is deleted. Create a new character...
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Not to mention... we don't need any more titles.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Not to mention... we don't need any more titles.
Your intentions behind this idea are good but It really would just be too easy to abuse.
Kinda removes the purpose of helping for the sake of generosity now, doesn't it?
So no-one (so far) agrees that time spent helping people should be rewarded?
Although I have to agree about the first NF mission comment - perhaps the points given should scale with the mission difficulty, mission 1 of NF gives 1 point, mission 25 in Tyria 10.....
Before anyone mentions Assassins running Shiro...that's a SKILL REBALANCING issue, an assassin gets a free mission toward Protector/Guardian title at the moment, no one complains about that...
Edit: Also, we do need new content. Anet is known for being slow (Updates or new content), what do you want to do between now and GW2? Wait for each month's next tonic? A title isn't linked to farming money like armour/weapons and is non-tradable like new minipets. A title is earning something purely for the prestige of it.
Although I have to agree about the first NF mission comment - perhaps the points given should scale with the mission difficulty, mission 1 of NF gives 1 point, mission 25 in Tyria 10.....
Before anyone mentions Assassins running Shiro...that's a SKILL REBALANCING issue, an assassin gets a free mission toward Protector/Guardian title at the moment, no one complains about that...
Edit: Also, we do need new content. Anet is known for being slow (Updates or new content), what do you want to do between now and GW2? Wait for each month's next tonic? A title isn't linked to farming money like armour/weapons and is non-tradable like new minipets. A title is earning something purely for the prestige of it.
I bet there will be Helper points farming services done by some guys who constantly creates a char so people run them through the NF starting mission.
You can't forbid people to play there because it counts in the guardian title.
You can't limit the number of times people can play said mission.
You can't forbid people to play there because it counts in the guardian title.
You can't limit the number of times people can play said mission.
So is this about helping people, or is it about the prestige of a title?
I agree that time spent helping people should be rewarded, if it's done for the sake of helping people. There's plenty of people that offer mission runs for gold already.
I agree that time spent helping people should be rewarded, if it's done for the sake of helping people. There's plenty of people that offer mission runs for gold already.
The difference between running a mission for a person and helping them is there. Running a mission for them, requires the person getting the run doing nothing and the runner filling the party with new players. Helping a person requires a team of all active people (Or heroes, who haven't had their skills disabled). I agree with the fact there are major flaws with this but at the moment, other then helping for the sake of helping - the missions have no replay value. I think this idea should be scrapped if someone else can think of a better way to make re-doing missions more interesting...
Or perhaps it should be scrapped for being a bad idea? Paying someone for being generous? El oh el. And a perma-up emote? Champion doesn't even have an emote, but you'd want one for a particularly weenie pve title?
I mean, do you not see why that's all just silly? How about people who enjoy helping others can continue doing it for the gratitude and respect of those that they help, just like it's always been.
I mean, do you not see why that's all just silly? How about people who enjoy helping others can continue doing it for the gratitude and respect of those that they help, just like it's always been.
People will not help out of generosity, they will help just cuz they can get a new title.
People will not help out of generosity, they will help just cuz they can get a new title.
Originally Posted by AlexEternal
So no-one (so far) agrees that time spent helping people should be rewarded?
so basicly for offering a mission service you get a title? lol
like the cash you get from it isnt enaugh
/not signed
like the cash you get from it isnt enaugh
/not signed
Sai Rith
Originally Posted by AlexEternal
So no-one (so far) agrees that time spent helping people should be rewarded?
big groups of guildies grinding it?
Ariena Najea
Helping people is its own reward, I regularly help people with quests, missions, and give away max golds, some perfects. I never expect anything in return because as soon as you're getting something material back, you're running a service.
By involving a title and especially an emote, you're just asking for all the title grinders to begin farming this, and that's not what helping people is all about.
By involving a title and especially an emote, you're just asking for all the title grinders to begin farming this, and that's not what helping people is all about.
Originally Posted by Sai Rith
Not with more emotes.
Elitists....PvE'ers deserve emotes for their accomplishments.
As for THIS accomplishment...nah. Too easy to run easy missions for people. In starting areas there's always people looking for parties. I can run great northern wall repeatedly..don't even need to kill anything to do it, just run the bonus items and finish the mission.
It may not be much profit given the rewards specified, but the title would be easy enough to get.
Arden Kindlecorpse
I agree that your intentions behind this suggestion are positive, but will likely lessen the 'altruistic buzz' people get when they do this for others. At the moment, it is clear when you assist another with a mission that you have already completed yourself, you are doing it for them/fun/Queen of England...
As for the abuse aspect, you may see people lining up at the shorter missions, spamming their offers of assistance, and I for one do not enjoy canned meat.
A worthy idea though.
As for the abuse aspect, you may see people lining up at the shorter missions, spamming their offers of assistance, and I for one do not enjoy canned meat.
A worthy idea though.

Originally Posted by A11Eur0
What's wrong with giving PvE'ers emotes? Are you afraid your Hero emote isn't going to be as much prestige as it used to be anymore?
Elitists....PvE'ers deserve emotes for their accomplishments. |
Originally Posted by Aeon221
Yes, I know I am completely terrified that my wolfie will be devalued by the epic awesome that is the PvE Catasser Title emote. Oh, oh, I even thought of what it should look like! A sock! A dirty sock!
Now Anet NEEDS to give the GWAMM title track emotes, and they should be twice as big as the Hero emote because that would just be funny as all hell. I'd love to see the cry-whine-baby fest in Spamadan and Temple of Balth when this happens...all the PvX build-bombers running their gimmicks in PvP farming for fame will be devastated when my measly R3 title emote is wtfpwning their R12 phoenix.

Originally I meant for it to be on par with the hero title...because it takes a similar amount of effort, and skill. Yes, I said skill. Because it takes as much skill to adapt to different areas of PvE as it does to run the same craphole builds against human opponents in PvP.
Zahr Dalsk
Only if we get 7 heroes for those of us who don't want assholes complaining and swearing when we explain why Flare is bad.
I lol'ed. You don't need to adapt at all. Throw on a decent build, do the same to your heroes, try to get the henchmen with the least-shitty builds, and c-space through HM.
Originally Posted by A11Eur0
Originally I meant for it to be on par with the hero title...because it takes a similar amount of effort, and skill. Yes, I said skill. Because it takes as much skill to adapt to different areas of PvE as it does to run the same craphole builds against human opponents in PvP.
Hm... a title that can be increased at the same time you earn money by running missions for people...?
Hm... nah...
To add replay value for Missions, they should add books for them.
Hm... nah...
To add replay value for Missions, they should add books for them.
Too easy to abuse. If you add a title to "pure generosity" it is no longer pure. nuff said.
Too easy to abuse. If you add a title to "pure generosity" it is no longer pure. nuff said.
Hailey Anne
This has been suggested a few times already each with the same response.
Too easy to abuse.
Especially with so many people having mulitple accounts.
Just create a new char and run other account through over and over.
Too easy to abuse.
Especially with so many people having mulitple accounts.
Just create a new char and run other account through over and over.
Bad idea. So the people who do runs for pay get a max title out of it? Bleh. And there's no way to check if a person gets paid to run a mission or dungeon or whatever. very /notsigned. Stop making up stupid titles, there's more than enough to get gwamm just go grind a little bit.