Hi All
As I was exploring in phrophicies, I came across this small island with well you probably guessed it this Bone Dragon with the name of Rotscale. first time I had met this critter, so I targetted him to have a look, A lvl30 with 5 lvl 24 dragon minions and some undead, I thought WTF!!! So anyway me with my henchies proceeded to pull all the undead, kill them, pull the dragons, kill them, was thinking at this point its to easy, then went up against Rotscale. Hmmm he wiped my whole party in seconds. I have to say that this dragon on NM is harder than well all the end game bosses put together, this was actually a pleasant experience because up until this point I had been walking though this game!!! Any other nice surprising mobs like Rotscale I might encounter while exploring??
A walk to far!!
Rotscale is pretty unique, as for a 'real' boss. He's more difficult than any other old boss you might encounter just to cap a skill from. There's a few other bosses i can think of that can throw you for a bit more difficult than your average, like Argo in the Boreas Seabed mission, Shrieker of Dread in the realm of torment (not the boss itself, but all the mobs of water eles around him), and that Disc of Chaos at the end of the Against the Destroyers quest (not really hard, but just has a TON of life). I'm sure i'm forgetting a few, but those are the only ones that come to mind. Overall nothing a few well timed interrupts, or a good team can't take care of.
Alex Dimitri
Yeah a few more nasty bosses in GW world awaits you, but like Gift3d said nothing that a nice balanced team can`t handle.Wait and see what a chalenge awaits you if u start to Vanquish and come back to Rotscale !!!