Originally Posted by Tijger
@Test Me
Since you say you're a software developer, have you actually bothered to do the math involved with keeping a database of all characters including deleted characters? 6 million copies sold, lets say a conservative estimate is 10 million chars currently in existence, then multiply that by X (X being all chars everyone ever made and deleted), let me again be conservative and put X at 3, thats 30 million records in your little database, ok, now add the cost of software, hardware and man hours to create said database and its backup and the running cost of it. None of the cost mentioned above is recoupable for Anet, this is not WoW where users pay per month, nor is Anet culpable for any of the issues mentioned so far. I'd say thats not a reasonable suggestion then. |
So, in fact, it would probably cost them a fraction of their current database system. It needn't be the fastest system in the world either, since it's likely to receive far less read/writes than a live database. Effectively, the initial copy and 1 write when the char is deleted, and the undelete is covered. Seriously, this isn't hard or even that expensive. I know of a department store which has 30 nationwide stores and their daily transactions (think 10 tills, on average) from all stores are written to a single central Progress database overnight. That database is running on a dual Xeon, Ultra 320 SCSI server. Estimated hardware cost : £2000. Not exactly breaking the bank for a company like ANet....