Legion of Avalon [LoA] is a high end PvE Kurzick guild that emphasis the use of builds to get things done!
We're currently mid-size, and the leader of the [LoA] alliance.
Here's a list of what we do (both as a guild and as an Alliance):
NM&HM dungeons (almost nightly!)
Fissure of Woe
Slaver's Exile
Tombs of Primeval Kings
Sorrow's Furnace
HM missions
All Para FoW
Domain of Anguish
We also do several events throughout the week, including a weekly Lotto hosted on Friday evenings.
There are several groups looking to do stuff in Alliance chat pretty frequently, so it's not hard to pick up a group for whatever you want to do (whether it's NM or HM).
If you want to know more information about the guild, please visit our forums: http://friendsofloa.com/forum
You can also contact me in game or here on Guru. If I'm unavailable, please contact some of my officers in game:
Tulac Procur
Kaiser Wing
Rayne Guild
Jarrod Sans
Nick Van Smack
EDIT: We do expect each member that joins to act in a mature responsible manner. We keep Guild chat right around PG-13, but Ally chat must be kept clean at all times!
Legion of Avalon [LoA] recruiting