male ele with chaos gloves
Havn't played for a while and i just came back to have a nice few mini's so decided to go for some chaos gloves! but i'm really stuck with what male armor would go nice with it. any mixes or armor would be cool, except obi ; ( thanks in advance!
elite kurz, mo zing mask all dyed red goes well with chaos gloves imo
sorry bout it being a double image - but that gives you some idea
sorry bout it being a double image - but that gives you some idea
Sleeves + chaos gloves fails so hard... just don't bother unless you have some sleeveless armor. With sleeves there is always an ugly gap which makes the glove look like they are some ugly texture glitch.
hmm, might just save for obi armor.. it's kinda common on ele though, even so, any one else have more pictures? any will do, just some that go well.