Weekend Event: Double Faction in Competitive Missions
Shayne Hawke
Jade Quarry, gogogo.
I might as well work myself up to R7 Kurzick.
Joseph Rejekt
They say its double faction weekend but no one will take it seriously. Bout all its good for is getting more people to want to come to Jade and Fort so they can do their mapping.
im really dissapointed in anet,ive seen countless of event on weekends but none double hfff weekends...why arent anet doing that,instead of that crap,and,oh...
why does anet HAVE to have weekend events every single week...
I keep having lagg in the weekends because of events,and im really sick that..cant anet really just stop this stupd events....
why does anet HAVE to have weekend events every single week...
I keep having lagg in the weekends because of events,and im really sick that..cant anet really just stop this stupd events....
The Mountain
The important question is how many people wanna get together, fill up the quarry, and then BiP till zkeys are 1k/e?
(last bit isn't serious btw)
(last bit isn't serious btw)
hm, more faction for my title and maybe a key or two....not too bad for a weekend...not great either.
do people even do these missions anymore???
Aspenwood is still played quite a bit. Jade quary has always been a joke. No one would play it even after the buff it got almost a year ago. Duno why... could be that no one likes to play the baby sitter for turtles and walking trees while they walk nice and slowly to the base carrying jade.
Hell Raiser
I love doing FA, I play there quite often, but I'll be trying to avoid it this weekend. The bonus weekends tend to attract the more arrogant/rude players. And the only reason I play FA is for fun, because clearly FFFing and ABing is better for alliance points, and the balth faction gain is a joke compared to other areas.
Yeah, now I will face my new enemy, a necromancer who blamed me for interrupting his 2 secs spells.
Numa Pompilius
Haha, I've never been able to get in to jade quarry. Haven't played it once, even though I've tried to get in there now and then for the last two years. Well, I guess maybe now it'll be possible!
During the last 2x faction weekend for CMs, there were 2 full districts of JQ on the Kurzick side and one half-full district on the Luxon side. QQ.
It's completely unplayable atm with all this lag.
20k ping = turtle soup in 5 secs flat. =\
20k ping = turtle soup in 5 secs flat. =\
Pwny Ride
Even without the lag (which i'm not experiencing at all), JQ is pretty bad, considering the number of idiots who enter a match without reading how to play the map properly and then moan about why we lost.
AB methinks.
AB methinks.
Martin Alvito
Aspenwood is +/- 6 timers to get a match right now. No point to having a weekend if ANet doesn't open up enough servers to handle player demand...
I completely disagree Martin. I've entered Aspenwood every time but once on the very first timer. And only one time I had to wait 2 timers (oh know a whole 1 miniute).
And stop spreading that dumb rummor. It is not a.net server space that limits AB or FA games. It is player numbers.
Look at RA or GvG. 100s of games are happening at any given point of time. You really think A.net can't handle more then 3-5 AB games at once?
And stop spreading that dumb rummor. It is not a.net server space that limits AB or FA games. It is player numbers.
Look at RA or GvG. 100s of games are happening at any given point of time. You really think A.net can't handle more then 3-5 AB games at once?
It's based on when you press "Enter Mission". It is server-size based.
Mr. Undisclosed
Eww, can we get a good weekend event plz?
I'm enjoying it. Some of you here sound a little like grumpy old men.
It's encouraged me to play two missions I never had before due to people just slagging them off. Yunno what though, they're fun. JQ especially. Tells me not to listen to the whiners in future that's for sure.
Now lets hope it encourages more people to play them regardless of the bonus weekend
It's encouraged me to play two missions I never had before due to people just slagging them off. Yunno what though, they're fun. JQ especially. Tells me not to listen to the whiners in future that's for sure.
Now lets hope it encourages more people to play them regardless of the bonus weekend

Originally Posted by The Mountain
The important question is how many people wanna get together, fill up the quarry, and then BiP till zkeys are 1k/e?
(last bit isn't serious btw) |
Originally Posted by Mr. Undisclosed
Eww, can we get a good weekend event plz?
i think they need to come up with a completely new weekend instead of recycling old ones, not that its bad just boring. maybe something like change your appearance weekend or something. as for this weekend i still doubt enough players are gonna play to have a couple of consistent games.
I enjoy playing at Aspenwood a lot. During these kinds of weekends, there's bound to be a lot of people who aren't familiar with the game mechanic, but I don't really mind if they are willing to ask and learn. You see all kinds of weird builds there and generally can't prepare for everything, but I still enjoy it - pretty much all I do these days is either FA/AB.
I've tried Jade Quarry occasionally too, since I can actually get a game there now, but it just doesn't seem as fun to me.
I've tried Jade Quarry occasionally too, since I can actually get a game there now, but it just doesn't seem as fun to me.
i like the double faction in comp missions because i like playing at FA a lot, but the usual rewards are so uh...unrewarding. 10 minutes for 800 faction, nice joke! these missions really need to be put on par with AB matches. sometimes i want to have fun in AB, sometimes FA...but when i spend time in FA i just feel like i'm screwing up my time/faction ratio.
Originally Posted by Mr. Undisclosed
Eww, can we get a good weekend event plz?

Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
Look at RA or GvG. 100s of games are happening at any given point of time. You really think A.net can't handle more then 3-5 AB games at once?
Martin Alvito
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
I completely disagree Martin. I've entered Aspenwood every time but once on the very first timer. And only one time I had to wait 2 timers (oh know a whole 1 miniute).
It seemed to settle down somewhat later in the evening (2-4 timers with the odd instajoin following a match), but the lag picked up and I logged prior to your post.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
It is not a.net server space that limits AB or FA games. It is player numbers.
Look at RA or GvG. 100s of games are happening at any given point of time. You really think A.net can't handle more then 3-5 AB games at once? |
They've got to allocate resources somehow, and the more heavily trafficked ones (GvG, RA, HB) are going to get the resources first. Clearly HA, AB, FA and TA are further down the list. CAN Anet handle the matches in principle? Sure. DO the areas in question get the servers? Not necessarily; depends on how the servers are told to allocate resources at the time.
Originally Posted by Martin Alvito
I was joining matches from the Luxon side - 2 full districts in FA and no matches? Are you claiming that the Kurzick side was a ghost town by comparison...during American hours? That seems to defy the distribution of players on American servers.