lag alert XD
Lawliet Kira
everyone is experiencing horrible i right
Yes, and many disconnects... this has honestly never happened to me before
Stolen Souls
Originally Posted by Avatar The Element
everyone is experiencing horrible i right
Indeed. Two disconnects so far. Came back into town both times to see a million people saying "LAAAAG". "OMG LAG!", etc.
EDIT: make that 4 DCs
Not too bad, but I've noticed that skills are showing up at the wrong times. Very annoying.
about 3 007s and about 20k ping constantly
5 d/ces within 30min ><
Lag, oh the horrible lag!
I pwnd U
Well ther egoes my plan of playing a lil RA tonight. My connection already gives me lag. >.>
I've had 4-5 err7s and several lag spikes over the past hour or so. I can't even attempt to track down the source because as soon as traffic leaves my ISP's (RoadRunner) backbone it goes to, which is setup to block tracert. All I can determine is that its not my router/modem or my ISP's own network.
Stolen Souls
Someone tripped over the server cord again...
Apok Omen
This better mean another update..... Otherwise, fix your servers or something.
*sigh* I cannot believe this, I come home from work just to relax playing and I find this :S
Guess, I am going to CS for the rest of the night.
Guess, I am going to CS for the rest of the night.
My routing to the game servers just changed, hopefully bypassing the problem. Could mean that there was an outage, etc with one of the carriers connected to Anet and their ISP.
lol ANet.
12 chars
12 chars
On to playing some Perfect World for me tonight... =\
Hell Raiser
I've been on for a ~1:30 (and was AFK for an hour before) and I haven't had a single bit of lag, let alone an Err007. Several guildies/allies have been complaining about lag, though... the ones complaining live in east coast/midwest USA (I live in MT), could that have anything to do with it?
EDIT: and could Ike have anything to do with it?
EDIT: and could Ike have anything to do with it?
Yes, a lot of lag. I was thinking of taking a break from farming today and doing the 3 HM missions I need for leg guardian... but I guess that's not gonna work. Tried to kill abbadon, got dc'd.
Operative 14
Yeah, this afternoon I was playing and everyone had lag, from my guild leader in Virginia to my friend in Queensland. I even had quite a bit of lag as well, and a few close calls with a disconnect. Almost lost the tonic I was using!
Lawliet Kira
well i am in eastern..and i dont think IKE has anything to do withit, isnt anet located in new york?
Originally Posted by Stolen Souls
Someone tripped over the server cord again...
A little while ago my brother was disconnecting like crazy, I was just in Fort Aspenwood and I got hit with lag just once. I'd expect to get more lag bursts later, though...
Must be all those people hitting up the Jade Quarry. mirite?
Also, ANet is located in Washington (state), though I don't know where there datacenter is.
Also, ANet is located in Washington (state), though I don't know where there datacenter is.
I havn't had any lag issues yet - hopefully you guys can get through alright^^
Originally Posted by Avatar The Element
well i am in eastern..and i dont think IKE has anything to do withit, isnt anet located in new york?
Eastern Canada here and.. well unplayable at the moment.
I stop playing an hour ago because of the was horrible had 2 DC during a jade Quarry match.
The lag is gone now...still a bit here and there but I think it's mostly gone.
Originally Posted by MoriaOrc
Also, ANet is located in Washington (state), though I don't know where there datacenter is.
The hurricane could be the cause of some of the lag/disconnects. You don't have to live in Texas for your connected to be routed through Dallas/Ft. Worth. I would imagine problems with a hub that large could shift a lot of traffic and cause congestion on other networks.
experiencing occassional lag spike in here as well.
Shayne Hawke
I stopped playing Jade Quarry after I was consistently disconnected twice during each game.
Anet = Washington state
Servers = I want to say southern California, but I remember a while back they moved them, possibly Texas now can't remember.
Servers = I want to say southern California, but I remember a while back they moved them, possibly Texas now can't remember.
Originally Posted by X89
Anet = Washington state
Servers = I want to say southern California, but I remember a while back they moved them, possibly Texas now can't remember. |
Well, since it occured Friday, that means it won't be fixed until Monday.
Of course, Regina and will claim that "there was only lag for a couple of hours." Dumb corporate spin
Of course, Regina and will claim that "there was only lag for a couple of hours." Dumb corporate spin
been playing most of today, no d/c's & good ping although everyone around me seemed to d/c / lag
@_@ ~ wtf
@_@ ~ wtf
Master Ketsu
Twas playin sum TA. Only two of our team loaded, only two of their team loaded. Had ourselves a 2v2. Won a few gladpoints. Lulz.
And from what I hear this 2v2 phenom has happened to people multiple times today in both TA and RA.
And from what I hear this 2v2 phenom has happened to people multiple times today in both TA and RA.
My real-life friend and I were attempting to do some quests in the Charr homelands... bad idea. We got them done eventually, but every few minutes both of us would disconnect or have a severe lag spike at the same time. Synchronized lagging: the new olympic sport of Guild Wars.
we did a VS run in 4 minutes... with a pug! and we were all like... OMG you guys are awesome! and then we were all like... Yea!
then we all DC'd, err7! and half the people quit.
i want a free VS plox.
OT: yea, 2 Err7 so far and HUGE lag spikes in between... whats going on?
then we all DC'd, err7! and half the people quit.
i want a free VS plox.
OT: yea, 2 Err7 so far and HUGE lag spikes in between... whats going on?
So. Cal. here and was playing a lot this evening and no lag or d/c's, but a few in our alliance were having major issues, especially one in the south.
Seems to be entirely cleared up for me today. Last night's lag was absolutely terrible though - random 13k pings, bunch of friends err7'ing...good stuff.
I hadn't had any problems at all, but after playing FA and RA a bit, there were definately some disconencts by other people.
massive update coming through!
nah not really....
pitty but i suppose you people have other things to do except play guild wars?
nah not really....
pitty but i suppose you people have other things to do except play guild wars?
got disconnected at least a dozen times yesterday, up til 2am CST. seems a little better now - only severe lag spikes instead of disconnects. not that that is a massive improvement XD