Rumor Regarding FOW armor looks change
Shanaeri Rynale
There's been a rumor going round for a while that in future patches/Ch2 fissure armor looks will be changed to reflect the type of armor it represents.
E.g A gladiator fissure top will be changed to look different from an ascalon fissure top, Monk tattoo fow will be changed to look different from wanderers etc.
The supposed rationale behind this is that it gives pvp playing fow wearers an advantage over others as what the armor type is, is hidden by the generic fow look.
Can anyone(esp from AN) confirm or deny this?
E.g A gladiator fissure top will be changed to look different from an ascalon fissure top, Monk tattoo fow will be changed to look different from wanderers etc.
The supposed rationale behind this is that it gives pvp playing fow wearers an advantage over others as what the armor type is, is hidden by the generic fow look.
Can anyone(esp from AN) confirm or deny this?
Salia Mare
As said in your title... Rumors, nothing else, no track of A.Net speaking of such thing.
Shanaeri Rynale
I usually dismiss it also, but i've heard it from lots of people over a period of weeks so in order to quell the rumors it's best to make sure.
Many people spreading a rumor do not make it a truth. Ignore rumors and wait for facts. Let those that will believe in them.
Salia Mare
I think same concerning rumors.
Anyway if you really doubt about it being rumor or not, bump that tread until Gaile comes to GWGuru, if she answer you'll now, if not.. rumor only.
Anyway if you really doubt about it being rumor or not, bump that tread until Gaile comes to GWGuru, if she answer you'll now, if not.. rumor only.
I certainly hope they aren't going to do this, I dont want my set to suddenly look like a mix and max. Although it would be nice if they added more types of fissure armor that looked different than the others.
I sincerely hope this is a rumour - I oinly bought ranger fissure because I wanted the druid's energy, but absolutely hate the 1.5k/15k dress with twigs normal druids armour and I also know of people buying the warrior's fissure to get gladiator's without looking like a strippagram in bra ind skirt like normal gladiator's does.
In fact, what is it with male armour in GW? none of it is really good looking, just some sucks less than others (and I include fissure in that).
In fact, what is it with male armour in GW? none of it is really good looking, just some sucks less than others (and I include fissure in that).
Well just a rumour as people say. However i hope they dont because two of mine are rogue and 2 are enchanters. So they would'nt match then.
If they do change I hope old sets remain as they are. This would be fairer imo.
If they do change I hope old sets remain as they are. This would be fairer imo.
William Stark
I'm with Pompeyfan on this one- I have been saving up for fissure armour for a while now, just so I can get the male gladiator armour which doesn't look like I just left a Village People fan meeting. If it gets changed, that becomes a rather pointless exercise.
I hope this stays a rumor. The only point for FOW is that is looks nice (not nice enough in most cases) to switch to it. For example, some people don't want to be naked, so they won't buy Scars, Gladiator's or Tattoos, but buy FOW Armor, just to wear some clothes. It's just an example of course, but I think most (if not nearly all) FOW Armors are one of those 3 sets.
I hope it isn't true as well, my fow armor is anything but a matching set. I'll look like some street bum again, and I dont plan on collecting more ectos and shards just to "fashion" myself another fow armor. it wasn't fun...
If they want to provide unique graphics for each FoW armor crafted, that's fine. But don't change the sets already crafted.
Let player to decide if he/she wants to keep current fissure graphics or new graphics. You could preview new graphics before making the decision. Switching between two graphics wouldn't be unlimited but one time only.
I bought saintly fissure monk set just because one day I could see unique fissure saintly. Don't disappoint me.
I bought saintly fissure monk set just because one day I could see unique fissure saintly. Don't disappoint me.

lord of shadow
Rumour-nothing more till arenanet confirms it, thought better fissure armour would be nice, many 15k's look better IMO.
and about no male sets looking good
fanatics anyone?
and about no male sets looking good
fanatics anyone?
Sereng Amaranth
I heard a rumor that there's an armor crafter in Underworld.

I heard a rumor there is a weapon called "The Hand of Ascalon" which has 50-150 damage.
Sigh, Rumors.
The Herbalizer
Well if they do change it i will be annoyed as i prefer the way it all looks the same.
Lord Iowerth
Dang, where is that Alex Weekes post? OH, here it is.