Have you met anyone from ANet?
A random question, but I can't help being curious about small things like this.
When you're in AB or doing a mission, have you come to realise that someone from ANet is in your team? Or even in your guild?
I always wonder myself whether an ANet employee is in the same team as I am.
When you're in AB or doing a mission, have you come to realise that someone from ANet is in your team? Or even in your guild?
I always wonder myself whether an ANet employee is in the same team as I am.
Once izzy was in our guild hall :P
I saw Izzy once in RA and everyone was all around him yelling and jizzing OMG IZZY IZZY /RANK NERF THIS BUFF THIS /RANK /RANK IZZY IZZY. I have no idea what he was doing there, or if he even played a match in RA.
As for actually playing with anyone, i'm not sure. I'd imagine if anyone from ANet wanted to casually play GW they'd have an incognito account they can go on and just play peacefully.
As for actually playing with anyone, i'm not sure. I'd imagine if anyone from ANet wanted to casually play GW they'd have an incognito account they can go on and just play peacefully.
obsidian ectoplasm
Nope, hasent happoned to me, but it would be cool

ele pl
I saw Gaile Gray several times in the cities, during the events. But thats normal. Anyway, i havent seen any other people from AN
Me and Gaile Gray used to dual run uw back in the days.
Saw regina once & spoked with gaile many times in towns
After playing 3 years, the only Anet employee I've seen was Gaile and only once in one of her going away parties. Boy was that a tad insane! 
...But fun!

...But fun!

Anet employees know better than to play GW. They all get to play GW2 the not-dead (yet) version of GWs
Nope. I never met any mods but I think it would be kewl to

Originally Posted by xPIMPx
Me and Gaile Gray used to dual run uw back in the days.
Dante the Warlord
I have seen an ANET mod once, gave me some free items and was pretty much a chill guy. Remember when the mods used to watch over districts to make sure that people weren't spamming local chat with trade... im sure you have seen one then...
I have met a couple in my time....but no need to name drop.

Of course Gaile in town on one of her chats. But also met a bunch of them in person at a "Meet and Greet" in Southern California before Factions came out, including Gaile.
Never seen any of them yet, been wanting to for a while though lol.
i have seen them but never was in a team with them, its good to know a-net actually play the game they made, at least once in a while
John Zipperer was also a member of our Guild for a time during the beta's.
I played with Andrew Patrick on the Betas for the AT system.
The Spearmen.
Thats the main guild for the devs/employees.
So thats where they're hanging out.
Thats the main guild for the devs/employees.
So thats where they're hanging out.
When the devs do play, they have numerous alt accounts so people won't know it's them. Gaile, Regina, and Andrew have all mentioned this.
So, it's likely that over the course of years, you may have played with them and not even known it.
So, it's likely that over the course of years, you may have played with them and not even known it.

Gaile gray in dragons nest, thats about it really.
Zahr Dalsk
Haven't spoken with people from ARenaNet... but I spoke to someone from BioWare, which, to me, is a far more rewarding experience

This is a far cry from all the people in Spamadan claiming specifics about GW2 and using as evidence their close personal relationships with various developers but unable to drop names. 
Just like one person in here, who I'm sure was joking. But if not...whatever chode.
I'll be willing to bet that only a handful of Guru members who aren't devs themselves have known to have a Dev in their party/guild.

Just like one person in here, who I'm sure was joking. But if not...whatever chode.

I'll be willing to bet that only a handful of Guru members who aren't devs themselves have known to have a Dev in their party/guild.
Scythe O F Glory
I pwned izzy at his own game in RA
jk never met one
jk never met one
I haven't and more than anything, I wouldn't care at all if I did.
There is a strong chance they wouldn't care about me for any reason unless I was important for something. If I do see one or any of them, certainly I am just going to continue on with my business.
There is a strong chance they wouldn't care about me for any reason unless I was important for something. If I do see one or any of them, certainly I am just going to continue on with my business.
i have meet a lot of them in real life (pax 07 08) and gaile is the only person i have meet in game.
My gf is in a guild containing multiple Anet members. Not a big deal really.
We had Izzy in an UW speed clear PUG, he got kicked for trying to run a Smite Monk build
I've been to Gaile chats in the past, and encountered Andrew Patrick during the "Lion's Oasis" bug.
Lord Sojar
Most of the devs roam around from time to time, and you can catch Izzy on usually Obsing a match or two, or testing skills after a skill balance. Jon is about the same way. I haven't seen Gaile on in a while, and Regina is hit or miss (and usually in presearing I think).
All in all, they don't play much anymore (Linsey is on sometimes). They are just normal people, and bugging them about crap when they are trying to play is probably really really annoying. If you do see them, a quick "Hi" is usually a ok, but going on a rampage about stuff is silly.
All in all, they don't play much anymore (Linsey is on sometimes). They are just normal people, and bugging them about crap when they are trying to play is probably really really annoying. If you do see them, a quick "Hi" is usually a ok, but going on a rampage about stuff is silly.
Originally Posted by xPIMPx
Me and Gaile Gray used to dual run uw back in the days.
Lady Raenef
I've seen Gaile many times, and Izzy once. Andrew as well, who demonstrated that he can die in an outpost. Gaile also attended a guild meeting that one of my older guilds had.
seen Izzy multiple times, same with Gaile, and Martin has been to our hall plenty of times. :P
Closest I ever came was being in the same district as Gaile Grey during an event..
Which isn't close at all !
Which isn't close at all !
I told someone with one of Izzy's character names to swivel on a mace-head once, because I'm so hardcore awesome.
Originally Posted by ButterMeUp
The Spearmen.
Thats the main guild for the devs/employees. So thats where they're hanging out. |
The Fianna even moreso iirc
Anyway, I have on numerous occassions.
I was at LA ID1 one day with a friend, and about 4 other people were there afk, and Gaile turned up. We had a quick chat before 10000 people rocked up and started spamming. Was in an alliance with Fi for ages, so that was pretty cool as well, Izzy having discussions with everyone about GvG and such.
the question should be do the devs actually know this game is still running, or are they, hey why is that server still running.. no idea but it is not my job to turn it off so let it be.
Gaile in GW when she left
Regina in Xfire Pax chat
Regina in Xfire Pax chat
I /report Izzy Obs Bot Twok every time I see him.
He's clearly a bot.
He's clearly a bot.