Hi, here's a video i've made few weeks ago. It was for the video contest that the spanish website www.guildwars-latino.com organized to celebrate its 3rd anniversary.
The video is based on the film The crow. in the film, Eric Draven and his girlfriend were killed by a gangster band. After a year, a crow bring back eric's soul and he "resurect". after that he becomes "immortal" while the crow that acompany him is alive. After kiling all the band and everything sorrounding them, he can rest in peace and he finally dies.
In my film, the gangster are a warrior and a dervish that command a charr horde, and the maincharacter is my necromancer.
The neCrow(clik to see it with high quality)
You can also downlaod it [url=http://rapidshare.com/files/139039055/NECROW_FINAL.wmv.html]here[url]
I hope you enjoy it!!!
-->Sry if i've commited some mistakes at writing, english is not my usual language.
-->This video won the first prize, i think it is great.
The neCrow
Viktor Von Pain
I love the running shots with the rotating camera, they're so deep.
Looks cool. Congrats on first place.
Blayza Baygo
bien hecho, me gusta. espero que gane el constesto
Morag D
I like it, that's pretty good!

White Lies
I love the video, makes necros just look so much better 
Now i want to met the guy because he looks the same as me and hes got all the armors i ever considered buying xD
IGN anyone? :P

Now i want to met the guy because he looks the same as me and hes got all the armors i ever considered buying xD
IGN anyone? :P
One of the most creative videos I seen around here. Good Job!
Viktor Von Pain
wow! thanks for the comments^,..,^ I spent many hours working on it and it is great to see other people apreciating and enjoying my effort.
My IGN is Viktor Von Pain (the same name in the grave at the end)
The other "actors" are: crysen terah as necrow's girlfriend
And Bengur Titanicus is the dervish/warrior.
My IGN is Viktor Von Pain (the same name in the grave at the end)
The other "actors" are: crysen terah as necrow's girlfriend
And Bengur Titanicus is the dervish/warrior.
dude, you are brilliant. Its so out of the ordinary dancing to some music, its just very nicely done. Good Job