Worth coming back?
6am3 Fana71c
Hai guys.
I have quit playing GW back in January or so, after year and a half of playing it. I don't know what made me think about getting back to it now, maybe because I saw some of my old screenshots... Anyhow, I'm pondering about installing Guild Wars again.
My question is, is this game better, worse, or the same as 8 months ago? Anything new about GW that is worth coming back?
I'm not much intrested in PvE as I completed everything I had in mind and I don't plan to redo it, even if I would return, it would probably be some RA and AB / afk'ing in outposts. I don't care about titles either and trying to complete my FoW set would be too much of a chore.
Since I don't have guild (obviously) most of the fun stuff is denied for me (GvG, HA and guild e-dramas).
Thanks for reading.
I have quit playing GW back in January or so, after year and a half of playing it. I don't know what made me think about getting back to it now, maybe because I saw some of my old screenshots... Anyhow, I'm pondering about installing Guild Wars again.
My question is, is this game better, worse, or the same as 8 months ago? Anything new about GW that is worth coming back?
I'm not much intrested in PvE as I completed everything I had in mind and I don't plan to redo it, even if I would return, it would probably be some RA and AB / afk'ing in outposts. I don't care about titles either and trying to complete my FoW set would be too much of a chore.
Since I don't have guild (obviously) most of the fun stuff is denied for me (GvG, HA and guild e-dramas).
Thanks for reading.
Elder III
If you have no interest in PVE than your only recourse is to join a quality PVP guild and start the real partying.
The only way to know if you will like it is to do it.... imo *it* is worth it.

Breakfast Mc Rit
Probably not worth the hassle of installing. You can easily join a guild to do what you want to do, though.
Some of the different things are a few elite skill buffs that were made, split PvP/PvE skills and changes to GvG. You can check the official wiki for the list and see if that interests you. We can't really tell you if you're going to have fun or not.
Some of the different things are a few elite skill buffs that were made, split PvP/PvE skills and changes to GvG. You can check the official wiki for the list and see if that interests you. We can't really tell you if you're going to have fun or not.
It's called GUILD Wars. You're missing out.
Join a friendly guild for socalizing and PvP. If you can't do that, then don't come back.
Originally Posted by Breakfast Mc Rit
Probably not worth the hassle of installing. You can easily join a guild to do what you want to do, though.
Not much has changed, everyone at ANet is spending all their time on GW2.
Guild Wars is a great game but hardly anything changed since you quit. If GW was not the game for you then it still is not your game now.
Its probably not worth your time to install it. You mentioned only installing it for AB and RA. RA gets old after about an hour and AB gets old after about 1 hour and 10 minutes. Completing the final missions in each game is hardly "doing everything" in pve. But thats neither here nor there, some people like pve some like pvp. You should stick to minesweeper.
i lol'ed at your avatar pic, i nominate your pic for biggest douche pick of the thread. nice 80's hairdo.
i lol'ed at your avatar pic, i nominate your pic for biggest douche pick of the thread. nice 80's hairdo.
hmm 8 months ago. well that was when i played pvp seriously before my comp blew up. im guessing it is more or less still the same? if ur friends kept playing thru the 8 months they may be quite burned out by now. ima just say it is not worth getting back into
Well, if you just plan to RA/AB, you might be disappointed and lose interest in a couple of days if you are not going for a title.
If you want to enjoy some PVE, some dungeons are fun to play, even if they have already been done.
If you want to enjoy some PVE, some dungeons are fun to play, even if they have already been done.
Originally Posted by Mangione
Well, if you just plan to RA/AB, you might be disappointed and lose interest in a couple of days if you are not going for a title.
If you want to enjoy some PVE, some dungeons are fun to play, even if they have already been done. |
6am3 Fana71c
Well, I must say I'm surprised by a number of replies telling me NOT to come back. And they are probably right since I didn't plan to join guilds anyway, and all of my friends stoped playing.
It's just wierd, because back then when I was playing, everyone who would say something like:
"I'm quitting, the game is dead", people would respond "NO U"
But now it seems that everyone agrees there's nothing left out there
It's just wierd, because back then when I was playing, everyone who would say something like:
"I'm quitting, the game is dead", people would respond "NO U"
But now it seems that everyone agrees there's nothing left out there

Brother Andicus
It got worse since 8 months ago, so the answer would be no.
Zahr Dalsk
Don't waste your time. Do something entertaining instead.
1 up and 2 down
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
Well, I must say I'm surprised by a number of replies telling me NOT to come back. And they are probably right since I didn't plan to join guilds anyway, and all of my friends stoped playing.
It's just wierd, because back then when I was playing, everyone who would say something like: "I'm quitting, the game is dead", people would respond "NO U" But now it seems that everyone agrees there's nothing left out there ![]() |

Yes it is and it will be. This was and still is a great game. Endless possibilities I would say. There are a bit less people playing nowadays but still the community is very large. Most of the changes recently are connected to skill balancing and changes so for PvP you should not be bored.
Donovan Cyclonus
If you've allready played a year and a half you've probally got your moneys worth out of it.
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
Well, I must say I'm surprised by a number of replies telling me NOT to come back. And they are probably right since I didn't plan to join guilds anyway, and all of my friends stoped playing.
It's just wierd, because back then when I was playing, everyone who would say something like: "I'm quitting, the game is dead", people would respond "NO U" But now it seems that everyone agrees there's nothing left out there ![]() |
A game is as fun as you make it. If you intended to come back, join a guild, and play PvE and PvP, I'm sure you'd have plenty to do, and many more folks would recommend it.
Came back a few weeks ago from nearly a year's absence. I am having fun. More things are better than worse.
I think PvE has improved a lot. Not sure about PvP because I have not had a chance to play very much of it. The Fort Aspenwood teeter totter is hideously unbalanced, as usual, now heavily biased to the Kurzick side. I think the Luxons were on top when I left.
ANet is making an effort to improve GW1 and keep it alive. Seems to be plenty of players. Take a test drive and see; not as if it's costing you anything.
I think PvE has improved a lot. Not sure about PvP because I have not had a chance to play very much of it. The Fort Aspenwood teeter totter is hideously unbalanced, as usual, now heavily biased to the Kurzick side. I think the Luxons were on top when I left.
ANet is making an effort to improve GW1 and keep it alive. Seems to be plenty of players. Take a test drive and see; not as if it's costing you anything.
Well the people who are still happily playing are...still happily playing, they don't have the time or will to come here and tell you to join them. You should naturally expect more negative opinions here.
If the hassle of installing the game is too much then you almost certainly shouldn't play, the smallest failure will likely push you over the edge, and we've had enough unneccessary killings this century.
If the hassle of installing the game is too much then you almost certainly shouldn't play, the smallest failure will likely push you over the edge, and we've had enough unneccessary killings this century.
Originally Posted by 6am3 Fana71c
Well, I must say I'm surprised by a number of replies telling me NOT to come back. And they are probably right since I didn't plan to join guilds anyway, and all of my friends stoped playing.
It's just wierd, because back then when I was playing, everyone who would say something like: "I'm quitting, the game is dead", people would respond "NO U" But now it seems that everyone agrees there's nothing left out there ![]() |
Snow Bunny
I would assume not
The fact you are posting here somewhat indicates you want to start playing again, and if you feel that urge, you should just try for yourself, regardless of what anyone else is saying.
Personally; I would just look for other games, plenty of good things coming up.
Personally; I would just look for other games, plenty of good things coming up.
6am3 Fana71c
Originally Posted by trankle
Take your extremely limiting criteria into consideration before interpreting the responses.
Originally Posted by trankle
If you intended to come back, join a guild, and play PvE and PvP, I'm sure you'd have plenty to do.
Guess I'll just take Bunny's advice here.
I'd say give it one more try.
abt the rank, join some passionate and mid-range gvg guilds and raise your ranks from there, before finally join the top range guilds.
but if you feel lazy the moment you heard the prospect, then don't I'd say its not worth it.
abt the rank, join some passionate and mid-range gvg guilds and raise your ranks from there, before finally join the top range guilds.
but if you feel lazy the moment you heard the prospect, then don't I'd say its not worth it.
no it is not worth
i just quit due to boredom.
you'll join now.... three months down the road, when you've beat everything and no one wants to PUG with you in DoA because of your r3 norn title causes "cr4ppEE urSaNN", you'll want to quit again.
And since you don't want to join a guild, it might speed up the process.
you'll join now.... three months down the road, when you've beat everything and no one wants to PUG with you in DoA because of your r3 norn title causes "cr4ppEE urSaNN", you'll want to quit again.
And since you don't want to join a guild, it might speed up the process.
Jumping Is Uselss
nothing really worth coming back to at the moment. If you miss the usual grindfest and pvp going back is an option.
Not really. I just play this because I have *Red Engine* all else to do.
Don't come back, their is no reason too. lol.
That's the problem. There are no good guilds left. Especially PvP ones, even tho I was away for a long time, I'm sure there's only a handfull of PvP guilds worth mentioning, and I'm not getting into them since my Hero / Champion title equals zero.
Guess I'll just take Bunny's advice here. |
there r -plenty- of good guilds out there
in terms of casual and semi-casual
if ur gone for a year and expectin to join a top100 guild.....
well, good luk wit that
Dru Stratas
I'd come back and give it a go 
It's not like you have to pay, and if you don't like it, uninstall ^^
I play because I made some good friends, and we make our own fun. E.g, we attend player events and things like that
I would say however, if you don't join a guild, you better be good at making friends!

It's not like you have to pay, and if you don't like it, uninstall ^^
I play because I made some good friends, and we make our own fun. E.g, we attend player events and things like that

I would say however, if you don't join a guild, you better be good at making friends!
Bryant Again
For what you want, not a whole lot. But, depending on your hard drive, I'd keep it installed. Like a sudden craving, you never know when you're gonna suddenly feel like some GW.
Granted, though, there's always something different to see when you log on. Builds never stay indefinitely "the same" (and not very often do they change completely : \ )
Granted, though, there's always something different to see when you log on. Builds never stay indefinitely "the same" (and not very often do they change completely : \ )
It would only be worth coming back if you want a 'headstart' in GW2 by unlocking/completeing your Hall of Monuments in the Eye of the North Campaign.
Apollo Smile
Not like you have to reactivate an account or anything. The answer should be easy.