Organizable friends list
I don't know about everyone else but am I the only one who is uber annoyed by the friends list's lack of any organizing capabilities? Now I know some people use their list just for friends, but I use mine to keep track of people who I plan to PUG with (from these forums) and see when they're on. And I know with organized PUGs people I play with come and go so I tend to add/delete people all the time. It just gets bothersome remembering who is who and I know some people are just on my list because I don't know who they are but its possible I planned to PUG with them.
How hard would it be to implement an organizable friends list, one where you can group people into different categories to make things just a bit easier?
How hard would it be to implement an organizable friends list, one where you can group people into different categories to make things just a bit easier?
Zorrilo Gw
I've been wanting a feature like this for a long time also. I don't play the game that often anymore, so when I want to group with some friends on the list I often forget who they are / what things I've done with them before. Categories should be easy implement.
@ Above, you agreed with him so don't be a dick.
@ Above, you agreed with him so don't be a dick.
With a so little friend lists it would be like making an expensive road for a single house.
If they added a way to store client-side extra information and friends, it would be more useful.
If they added a way to store client-side extra information and friends, it would be more useful.
I'd like to make my own categories, like "people I actually know," "friendly pugs (aka nonexistant category)," etc
I'd like to make my own categories, like "people I actually know," "friendly pugs (aka nonexistant category)," etc
I agree with this. I also would like for them to implement an enemies list. I like to keep track of them too...

That would be wonderful improvement. There could be also added an indication when given person was last time logged in like in Guild window. So it is easier to track some friends. I wonder if the ignore list could be extended and also categorized like: leachers, scammers etc...
Any improvement to the friends list is welcome imho.
Friends lists are in alphabetical order.
Friends lists are for friends.
Friends lists only have a small amount of slots.
If you can't remember who is who on your friend list then maybe those people shouldn't be on it?
I'm not sure about everyone else but I can go down my friend list and recognize each and every name.
Friends lists are for friends.
Friends lists only have a small amount of slots.
If you can't remember who is who on your friend list then maybe those people shouldn't be on it?
I'm not sure about everyone else but I can go down my friend list and recognize each and every name.
been waiting for this for some time now
been waiting for this for some time now
It'd be nice for GW2 but not so much GW1 since everyone is leaving. I've got 7 people left on my friends list after my last purge and have seen only one of them online in the past month or so.
Something else i would like to see happen with friends list is that when in town your friends name stands out as a different color. Kind of like how your guild tag is gold and alliance a rusty gold. Make finding them easier/forming parties.
There is no point, really. Friends are automatically alphabatized and are split between Online/Offline. If in GW2 there is an increase in the amount of people who can be on the friends list, yes, otherwise I see no reason to change it.
Bohemian Rhapsody
Friends lists are in alphabetical order.
Friends lists are for friends. Friends lists only have a small amount of slots. If you can't remember who is who on your friend list then maybe those people shouldn't be on it? I'm not sure about everyone else but I can go down my friend list and recognize each and every name. /notsigned |
Simple thing as making a category could make it so much easier , because now I simply use a "myfriendlist.txt" file to keep track of all the people (simple thing im sure ANET can implement , I can implement for them , just ask !) ..

By the way , those that don't sign , will it bother you if ANET _will_ put categories ?
You don't have to use them.
/signed !
Joe Fierce
signed because new stuf is always nice, but the idea is honestly hardcore supported by me to the point that i find it remarkabley necissary, if you cannot remember who 100 people are, then obviously they aren't that important, delete them off the list.
this idea would be more valid if they upped the number of people you can have on your list, it's kinda borderline retarded the way it is atm.
this idea would be more valid if they upped the number of people you can have on your list, it's kinda borderline retarded the way it is atm.
Destro Maniak
I also want to give short descriptions
I mean after a while sometimes we forgot the nicks and thats bad
I mean after a while sometimes we forgot the nicks and thats bad
/signed it will be a nice thing to keep you more organized BUT its a minor thing and only signed if this doesnt get in the way of more important fixes.
Not true.
There are people who use their friends list to remember people they trade with for example. Unless there's a new list in the line of "trading guys list", which is kinda the same as this suggestion, I don't see why they shouldn't go there.
And even if the list is "small", I can't really remember the in-game names of 50 people which I often don't even know IRL...
So yeah the list needs a big overhaul, it's pretty messy at the moment.
There are people who use their friends list to remember people they trade with for example. Unless there's a new list in the line of "trading guys list", which is kinda the same as this suggestion, I don't see why they shouldn't go there.
And even if the list is "small", I can't really remember the in-game names of 50 people which I often don't even know IRL...
So yeah the list needs a big overhaul, it's pretty messy at the moment.
People have alot of friends in this game.... A no limit, folder organized friends list would make life easier.
Sweet Mystery
What is the point? You want your friends list to be like facebook next?
/unsigned as no need in the game - you should know people or they are randoms with no need to be there
/unsigned as no need in the game - you should know people or they are randoms with no need to be there
romeus petrus
/signed, my friends and ignore lists are always full. It is good to remember why ppl are on either.