And then I read this:,1.shtml
There's been this problem in other MMOs that a fair old whack of players are, for one reason or another, anti-social. They want to keep their heads down and crack on with tasks under their own steam. The trouble is that this way they miss out on the bigger baddies and bigger rewards of group quests. Public Quests are an answer to that: they're mass-scale group quests in which you don't have to share a single word with anyone if you don't want to. Just within the space of WAR's first few days they've proven one of its biggest draws. |
What I can't explain is ArenaNet trying to force people into being "social". Everybody plays a game the way they like, can't really see the point of game designers trying to change the personality of the people that play the game.
So either ArenaNet is not going after the shy/not so social gamers and they are loosing that segment of the market or they want to force them to change their personality to fit their game design.
Both cases lead to one conclusion: poor "design" in this particular perspective.
So how about ArenaNet drops that mentality and accommodates different play styles and different player personalities and allow people that want to take full hero parties out do that, and people that want to play with other people do that. Doesn't seem reasonable to me to force any side to play any different than they want to.
And those that believe it's a really bad idea because it will cause pugs to be even more rare one question: do you really want to pug with the people that want to play alone all times and say nothing? Probably not. And so don't they.
As a thought:
How about give everyone what they want and drop the silly argument that the game wasn't meant to be played that way. That does not matter, all it matters is how people play it and want to play it.
I, for one, don't care. I like pugs, but I would also love to be able to play on my own when European districts are all empty (and americans asleep), because again I want to achieve things even if there is no one around at the time I play, and I can't really change my schedule so that I play when most people are online. You know... this is a game I play when I get some free time and that is at random times. It's not actually driving my life and my schedule.

Just some 2 cents.