What is the UGLIEST armor in GW?
Antares Ascending
This thread is in response to some of the remarks on Darmica's thread on Chaos gloves.
What is your favorite?
btw..Its all personal opinion. obviously no right or wrong answer
1) Male Necro FOW
2 Sin armor that looks like rabid plant growth
1) I like Asuran Ele dyed white tho I seldom show the glasses cause there are tooo many of em
Necro is hard for me. Maybe asuran? kinda looks like a turtle..maybe tho.
I wear Krytan (collector by Wing 2 Blade in factions). Also think monument is ok
Ranger. They seem to look great in most armors..have Asuran but will prolly go to one with a long coat..looks more in tune with nature/wilderness
Last..looking at this I wonder if to much time is spent in gw. Don't tell me!
The truth can be an ugly thing...and..I can't deal with rejection of any sort .
What is your favorite?
btw..Its all personal opinion. obviously no right or wrong answer
1) Male Necro FOW
2 Sin armor that looks like rabid plant growth
1) I like Asuran Ele dyed white tho I seldom show the glasses cause there are tooo many of em
Necro is hard for me. Maybe asuran? kinda looks like a turtle..maybe tho.
I wear Krytan (collector by Wing 2 Blade in factions). Also think monument is ok
Ranger. They seem to look great in most armors..have Asuran but will prolly go to one with a long coat..looks more in tune with nature/wilderness
Last..looking at this I wonder if to much time is spent in gw. Don't tell me!
The truth can be an ugly thing...and..I can't deal with rejection of any sort .
To me, male warrior FOW armour. Just because of that ugly, ridiculous helmet.
I wouldn't say that there is an ugly armour as some are pretty decent looking and for those who worked so hard although Male Monks in FoW,Saintly and Judges don't look great short pants as well as some of the EoTN armours.
I would say that even some of the 1K armours are great looking Sacred,Templars and others even good Ringmail starter armour isn't that bad.It would be nice if some armours of 1k could be put in the HoM.
I would say that even some of the 1K armours are great looking Sacred,Templars and others even good Ringmail starter armour isn't that bad.It would be nice if some armours of 1k could be put in the HoM.
I would vote male warrior fow as the ugliest, just looks lumpy and weird. After that any sin armor that has spikes sticking out everywhere. Come on, they're supposed to be ninjas. How hard would it be to sneak up on someone wearing all that hardware?
shogun avatar
Best and the worst for each class i play imho:
Warrior (male):
best: elite kurzick (don't like the helm though)
worst: obsidian (looks like a big oven with tiny hands)
Ranger (male):
best: norn
worst: elite drakescale
Elementalist (female):
Best: elite cathan
Worst: primeval
Paragorn (male):
Best: obsidian
Worst: elite sunspear (now that's just to faggy even for gays)
Assassin (male):
Best: Norn (reminds me of ninja turtles
Worst: Ancient (walking cactus)
Monk (male):
Best: elite kurzick (kimono for the win
Worst: any kind of tatoos (just not my kind of thing)
I won't comment on the rest 'couse i don't play them much or at all
Warrior (male):
best: elite kurzick (don't like the helm though)
worst: obsidian (looks like a big oven with tiny hands)
Ranger (male):
best: norn
worst: elite drakescale
Elementalist (female):
Best: elite cathan
Worst: primeval
Paragorn (male):
Best: obsidian
Worst: elite sunspear (now that's just to faggy even for gays)
Assassin (male):
Best: Norn (reminds me of ninja turtles

Worst: Ancient (walking cactus)
Monk (male):
Best: elite kurzick (kimono for the win

Worst: any kind of tatoos (just not my kind of thing)
I won't comment on the rest 'couse i don't play them much or at all
male war fow then male necro vabbian.
Definately the Assassin's Ancient Armor. Just plain hideous.
Rak Orgon of Beowulf
Male Elementalist Istani is pretty up there on my list of ugly armors.
Ranger asuran...no likey, elementalist Primeval(stick armor)...no likey
I did the same thing on my ranger...went to a long coat...did ancient then dwarven, then decided i wanted to go back to something without the coat...got primeval....Cockroach Armor ftw
my taste shifts, i also dont like monk FoW in any color but black...looks like a clown suit.
edit: New Winner: Male Mesmer Elite Canthan....girls is fine but male is just plain ugly
Ranger asuran...no likey, elementalist Primeval(stick armor)...no likey
I did the same thing on my ranger...went to a long coat...did ancient then dwarven, then decided i wanted to go back to something without the coat...got primeval....Cockroach Armor ftw
my taste shifts, i also dont like monk FoW in any color but black...looks like a clown suit.
edit: New Winner: Male Mesmer Elite Canthan....girls is fine but male is just plain ugly
Jecht Scye
Necro Primeval - Male or Female. Say no to smelly fish armor:
My Bests and Worsts in Elite Armor:
Assassin(Male) Best: Elite Canthan
Assassin(Male) Worst: Elite Exotic
Dervish(Female) Best: Elite Sunspear
Dervish(Female) Worst: Ancient
Elementalist(Female) Best: Elite Luxon
Elementalist(Female) Worst: Primeval
Mesmer(Female) Best: Obsidian
Mesmer(Female) Worst: Primeval
Monk(Female) Best: Labyrinthine
Monk(Female) Worst: Primeval
Necromancer(Male) Best: Elite Tormentor's
Ranger(Female) Best: Norn
Ranger(Female) Worst: Elite Drakescale
Ritualist(Female) Best: Elite Imperial
Ritualist(Female) Worst: Elite Exotic
Warrior(Female) Best: Elite Gladiator
Warrior(Female) Worst: Elite Dragon
My Bests and Worsts in Elite Armor:
Assassin(Male) Best: Elite Canthan
Assassin(Male) Worst: Elite Exotic
Dervish(Female) Best: Elite Sunspear
Dervish(Female) Worst: Ancient
Elementalist(Female) Best: Elite Luxon
Elementalist(Female) Worst: Primeval
Mesmer(Female) Best: Obsidian
Mesmer(Female) Worst: Primeval
Monk(Female) Best: Labyrinthine
Monk(Female) Worst: Primeval
Necromancer(Male) Best: Elite Tormentor's
Ranger(Female) Best: Norn
Ranger(Female) Worst: Elite Drakescale
Ritualist(Female) Best: Elite Imperial
Ritualist(Female) Worst: Elite Exotic
Warrior(Female) Best: Elite Gladiator
Warrior(Female) Worst: Elite Dragon
Male obsidian armor = WORST
My favorite set:
Droks gladiator chest
krytan boots, leggings, gaunlets, no helmet
My favorite set:
Droks gladiator chest
krytan boots, leggings, gaunlets, no helmet
The ugliest armor for me would be warrior fow and the best looking armor imo is rit fow.
Darmikau, but nobody ever spells it right anyways, though you were closer than most.
I really don't like Monk Primeval, but I find both Paragon and Ritualist Obsidian armor to be the best for their respective classes.
I really don't like Monk Primeval, but I find both Paragon and Ritualist Obsidian armor to be the best for their respective classes.
Ugliest armor? that would be YOURS!
Nah j/k
Male paragons and their midriff make me sick -_-
Nah j/k
Male paragons and their midriff make me sick -_-
any male dervish, rit or paragon
all the eotn sets
especially the glowy gloves, masks and glasses
all the eotn sets
especially the glowy gloves, masks and glasses
male mesmer canthan
male warrior fow
male necro fow
most luxon armor
male monk istani armor
ritualist vabbian
10/12 dervish armor sets
and mask of the mo zing
out of all those, the ugliest would have to be male warrior fow because i see it on every other wammo and it just gets uglier and uglier each and every time.
male warrior fow
male necro fow
most luxon armor
male monk istani armor
ritualist vabbian
10/12 dervish armor sets
and mask of the mo zing
out of all those, the ugliest would have to be male warrior fow because i see it on every other wammo and it just gets uglier and uglier each and every time.
Dante the Warlord
Warrior FOW = Reeperbahn escapee

obsidian ectoplasm
Best FoW:
Male ele FoW. Just the most badass of the other male armors. The others are either disproportionate or just plain retarded looking. Ele FoW actually makes the caster look tough XD.
Female Mes FoW: Let's face it...no competition. IMO it's totally worth the investment just because it looks great.
Best 15k (excluding FoW):
Male: Assassin Vabbian. Just love the look of it. Skintight material that looks like Spiderman had sex w/a porcupine who works for Prada? Yes plz
Female: Mes Elite Canthan. Again...just no competition. No other canthan armor comes close and neither does most other female armor.
Male: ANY paragon armor w/exposed belly. This makes the Village People look like G-Unit. And Warrior FoW (chest mostly). Helm looks like Optimus Prime so that's okay. Mes elite canthan and FoW just look like crap though...
Female: Tough one...gonna have to go with most nec armor lol. It's just all terrible, nothing in my taste but w/e. And I'm not a fan of people who buy trashy female rit or ele armor just to take a "gander at the goods."
Male ele FoW. Just the most badass of the other male armors. The others are either disproportionate or just plain retarded looking. Ele FoW actually makes the caster look tough XD.
Female Mes FoW: Let's face it...no competition. IMO it's totally worth the investment just because it looks great.
Best 15k (excluding FoW):
Male: Assassin Vabbian. Just love the look of it. Skintight material that looks like Spiderman had sex w/a porcupine who works for Prada? Yes plz
Female: Mes Elite Canthan. Again...just no competition. No other canthan armor comes close and neither does most other female armor.
Male: ANY paragon armor w/exposed belly. This makes the Village People look like G-Unit. And Warrior FoW (chest mostly). Helm looks like Optimus Prime so that's okay. Mes elite canthan and FoW just look like crap though...
Female: Tough one...gonna have to go with most nec armor lol. It's just all terrible, nothing in my taste but w/e. And I'm not a fan of people who buy trashy female rit or ele armor just to take a "gander at the goods."
Worst Male Warrior FoW because it look like a potbelly stove complete with the stove pipe. If Male Warrior FoW had smoke coming out of the top of the helmet it would be complete.
I like the Ranger, Ritualist, and Paragon FoW.
I like the Ranger, Ritualist, and Paragon FoW.
Red Sonya
This is easy all mesmer armor, assassin armor and ranger armor tie for worst looking armor of all time.
Mr Emu
M Ele FoW (bad ass.)
M war elite kurz
any tormentors for necro
most other necro armors
M Ele FoW (bad ass.)
M war elite kurz
any tormentors for necro
most other necro armors
Jumping Is Uselss
Best: War elite kurzick, Elite Female Canthan, monk kurzick.
Worst: Chaos gloves on any profession
Worst: Chaos gloves on any profession
Brian the Gladiator

These are my two (they blocked the word I was trying to use so I will just say... "women who sell themselves to desperate men) you either like it or hate it.
The worst for me would be anything rainbow colored...
all male war armor. "hey lets make my toon look like a mailbox."
Rothan Celt
Warrior = FoW & norn- Srsly Lame
Ranger = Studded leather xs
Necro = Male shing jea + vabbian
Para = they all look the same to me x)
Ele = Tyrian - looks like they got a hump
Derv = male norn -without the hood is just lawl
monk = FoW & istan - Fow looks like a clown guise x)
Mesmer = not so sure
Sin=shing jea/FoW/ex-Looks like a pair of Pjs and a bunny wabbit
Rt = Exotic -is naff
Warrior -Istan-elite char (not the chest or legs)
Ele - Ancient armor
Necro - Istan/Asuran
Monk - Delver/Elite kurz/elite lux
Mesmer- FoW/canthan/shingjea
Ranger- elite druid
Para- All look the same to me~
Derv - Props Delver chest with vabbian
sin- Ancient armor/Canthan mix (<true ninja look)
Rt - FoW
Warrior = FoW & norn- Srsly Lame
Ranger = Studded leather xs
Necro = Male shing jea + vabbian
Para = they all look the same to me x)
Ele = Tyrian - looks like they got a hump
Derv = male norn -without the hood is just lawl
monk = FoW & istan - Fow looks like a clown guise x)
Mesmer = not so sure
Sin=shing jea/FoW/ex-Looks like a pair of Pjs and a bunny wabbit
Rt = Exotic -is naff
Warrior -Istan-elite char (not the chest or legs)
Ele - Ancient armor
Necro - Istan/Asuran
Monk - Delver/Elite kurz/elite lux
Mesmer- FoW/canthan/shingjea
Ranger- elite druid
Para- All look the same to me~
Derv - Props Delver chest with vabbian
sin- Ancient armor/Canthan mix (<true ninja look)
Rt - FoW
Icy The Mage
Ugliest? I'd have to say Female Elementalist Primeval, it's just... ick.
Edit: Oh yeah, and best armor would have to be either Elite Canthan on a Female Monk or Vabbian on a Female Ele.
Edit: Oh yeah, and best armor would have to be either Elite Canthan on a Female Monk or Vabbian on a Female Ele.
War fow and war fem vabbi.. Ugliest armors EVER
Ele primeval armor, both male and female. it's just plain ugly but ugly something.
- Ganni
- Ganni
im a warrior so
best - male leet templar
worst - dragon
best - male leet templar
worst - dragon
Male warrior FoW CAN look aright. I personally like both the helm, and the armor, just not together. Helm looks good on other armors, but I prefer warrior fow without anything helmet.
Worst armor for me would have to be.... Male Warrior Luxon 1k... looks horrid, and the helm is ever worse. Ranger luxon is also pretty horrid. Dont like the skanky ele female armors.
I like male paragon armors, I just dont like the skirt, and how gay they are in the rest of their gear.
Best armor by class (imo) The ones left blank I got no idea
Ranger - Male: FoW, Female: Canthan/Luxon (15k)
Ele - Male: Luxon 15k, Female: -
Monk - Male: Kurzick, Female: Kurzick
Necro - Male: - , Female:Luxon 15k (depends on face)
Warrior - Male - Gladiators/Luxon/Kurzick, Female: Gladiators/FoW
Mesmer - Male: FoW, Female: Canthan, Asuran, Kurzick 1k, FoW
Assassin: Male - Kurzick, Femle: Luxon/FoW/Vabbian
Ritualist: Male - Kurzick, Female: Luxon
Paragon: Male - , Female: FoW/Vabbi
Dervish: Male - FoW, Female - Vabbian
This is from what I remember of the armors I like
Worst armor for me would have to be.... Male Warrior Luxon 1k... looks horrid, and the helm is ever worse. Ranger luxon is also pretty horrid. Dont like the skanky ele female armors.
I like male paragon armors, I just dont like the skirt, and how gay they are in the rest of their gear.
Best armor by class (imo) The ones left blank I got no idea
Ranger - Male: FoW, Female: Canthan/Luxon (15k)
Ele - Male: Luxon 15k, Female: -
Monk - Male: Kurzick, Female: Kurzick
Necro - Male: - , Female:Luxon 15k (depends on face)
Warrior - Male - Gladiators/Luxon/Kurzick, Female: Gladiators/FoW
Mesmer - Male: FoW, Female: Canthan, Asuran, Kurzick 1k, FoW
Assassin: Male - Kurzick, Femle: Luxon/FoW/Vabbian
Ritualist: Male - Kurzick, Female: Luxon
Paragon: Male - , Female: FoW/Vabbi
Dervish: Male - FoW, Female - Vabbian
This is from what I remember of the armors I like
Elementalist Primeval, Monk Istani and all tatoo armors (necro and monk).
Zahr Dalsk
Worst ever: ranger obsidian. What is that shit, anyways?
Best ever: Male Ritualist Elite Kurzick. Simply awesome.
Worst class armours: Male paragons. Why, ArenaNet?
Best class armours: Male ritualist. Hot. And awesome.
Best ever: Male Ritualist Elite Kurzick. Simply awesome.
Worst class armours: Male paragons. Why, ArenaNet?
Best class armours: Male ritualist. Hot. And awesome.

I found this outfit in a dumpster behind a gay bar.