Toucher Pwnage in Alliance Battle (T.P.A.B.)
Zodiac Meteor
Here is a video showing how T.P.A.B. works.
How does T.P.A.B. work?
Toucher Pwnage in Alliance Battle, the noob pwning.
...are you serious right now?
Zodiac Meteor
yay for noobs.
Zodiac Meteor
Originally Posted by komma
yay for noobs.
hey, someone got it.
Agent Mold3r
You /fail .
A cripshot plus three anythings will always be strong in AB.
Zodiac Meteor
Originally Posted by Agent Mold3r
You /fail .
Its a SPOOF, of the medical commercials.
I've surprised people aren't getting this.
You know in the medical commercials people have "Unique" problems. And they have "Unique" solutions for it. That is what this is, it's suppose to make you /laugh. Its the medical commercials guild wars style.
I've surprised people aren't getting this.
You know in the medical commercials people have "Unique" problems. And they have "Unique" solutions for it. That is what this is, it's suppose to make you /laugh. Its the medical commercials guild wars style.
Agent Mold3r
Originally Posted by Zodiac Meteor
Its a SPOOF, of the medical commercials.
I've surprised people aren't getting this.
You know in the medical commercials people have "Unique" problems. And they have "Unique" solutions for it. That is what this is, it's suppose to make you /laugh. Its the medical commercials guild wars style. Yes I know, but you /failed.
I've surprised people aren't getting this.
You know in the medical commercials people have "Unique" problems. And they have "Unique" solutions for it. That is what this is, it's suppose to make you /laugh. Its the medical commercials guild wars style. Yes I know, but you /failed.
do you suffer from erectile disfuncion? if so please contact your local touch ranger for treatment.
Agent Mold3r
Zodiac Meteor
Originally Posted by Agent Mold3r
See, that is entertaining, but Zodiac Meteor, you are not.
Ouch, that hurt. I kind of wanted to keep it PG anyways.
i remember when we were noobs and we would run an 8 man touch gvg wasnt anything to serious, more of just a fun thing we would like to do together....but the best part of running the touch team was we all had ridiculous names, like the raper, gooey hands, and michael jackson ;P
Originally Posted by Zodiac Meteor
Here is a video showing how T.P.A.B. works.
How does T.P.A.B. work?
Like most pwning it does come with side effects such as:
Opponents calling you a noob
Enforcing bad language when being called noob
Opponents leaving the game
Failing teamwork
Do not do T.P.A.B. if you hate touchers or are new to Alliance Battle.
If T.P.A.B. isn’t working contact your guild because these serious symptoms can be fixed.
Go see your guild and see if T.P.A.B. is right for you.
Toucher Pwnage in Alliance Battle, the noob pwning. ROFL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! If this is a joke, you got the win man!! HAHA....that made me laugh for a while.
yeah i agree with ya, this can only pwn noobs, that's it.(and only in ab)
but seriously though, touchers aren't THAT hard to kill, for one, their energy is their life, they can't do a damn without it. The thing with touchers is: for the first 1 minute, once you survived THAT, you're likely to survive, since they only way to attack is to use Vampiric Bite or Vampiric Touch, and each time they attack it cost them about 7ish energy. E-denial is very effective/effective on them. But there are a varity of builds out there that can handle touchers. (**for these "noobs", touchers are pretty old, so a team of touchers aren't that effective any more)
Originally Posted by Zodiac Meteor
its a joke as in, "Ha ha, this thread made me laugh." or "Ha! it's funny because it's sort of true!"
I couldn't make it more obvious without giving it away
It's suppose to make you laugh. I added the video to make it more interesting.
It's not a build that I discovered. I'm not saying it's good. It's funny. You definitely put a lot of effort into making such a mediocre joke, which is why i was wondering. But thanks for clearing that up.
I couldn't make it more obvious without giving it away
It's suppose to make you laugh. I added the video to make it more interesting.
It's not a build that I discovered. I'm not saying it's good. It's funny. You definitely put a lot of effort into making such a mediocre joke, which is why i was wondering. But thanks for clearing that up.
OP, some might appreciate your post but at least put your shit in the right section! lol
Breakfast Mc Rit
Way too many people here take GW too seriously. Unsuspectingly getting crippled and flattened by a toucher group in AB always gives me a laugh.
That was terrible. I'm sorry I wasted 15 seconds of my life in an attempt to understand why someone would create such a moronic and bad joke thread.
Zodiac Meteor
Originally Posted by Nightow
Originally Posted by Breakfast Mc Rit
People to GW way to seriously
I'm beginning to think people might like it better if it was in a comic. Snow Bunny
OP should never post again.
Zodiac Meteor
Just close the thread, what was suppose to be a FUNNY concept just has people Flaming. Honestly, what is suppose to make people laugh instead they get all uptight and flame. Instead of adding suggestions, how could I make it really funny. They just get pissed off. Close it, I have no idea how this non-serious spoof pisses people off.
Snow Bunny
Originally Posted by Zodiac Meteor
Just close the thread, what was suppose to be a FUNNY concept just has people Flaming. Honestly, what is suppose to make people laugh instead they get all uptight and flame. Instead of adding suggestions, how could I make it really funny. They just get pissed off. Close it, I have no idea how this non-serious spoof pisses people off.
It wasn't funny.
At all. Unlucky Slayer
Nothing to see here people. =P |