Clades Gravior Omnibus[Nos]


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2007


Hey Mallyx [icU]


We recruit new members!!

We are hardcore High End PvE, Title Farming guild.

Our guild has 27 members(that know each other very good) lots of them have 10+max titles some of them have even r5 or r6 so we are really a hardcore PVE guild!We do elite missions(DoA, FoW, UW, Deep, Urgoz, SF) on friday, saturday and sunday.We do lots of HM things during the week (Dungeons, Vanquish, Missions).


Guild Wars experience and progress

* Playing guild wars for more than 1 year.
* Access to all campaigns.
* Access to HM in all campaigns.
* Access to most Elite missions/areas (UW, FoW, Deep, Urgoz, DoA, Slavers, Sorrows)
* More than 1 playable lvl 20 PvE character.
* KoaBD rank 1 or higher on one of the characters.


* Online at least a few days per week.
* Playing also in afternoons/evenings of GMT <-> GMT+3 timezones.
* Playing with guildies also, not only soloing and playing with H/H.
* Active on guild's chat.
* Active on guild's Vent (Vent and a mic are a requirement).
* Registered on guild's forum and at least checking new threads/posts.


* Able to speak and understand English
* Mature
* Have sense of humor

Our forum:

Wiki: http:

Contact Persons:

Turin Eenskolde

Kuza The Ps
Matrix Angel
Mac Reborn R
Matrix Arcade
Milorad Milenkovic
Harakath The Spiker
Ehragus Bbqer
Gargoil Grimheart

CYA online!!!