Paladins Of Eternal Truth [POET] ~ Looking for more to join in the fun!

Rayvn Silverwind

Rayvn Silverwind

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2008

Paladins Of Eternal Truth [POET]



[POET] is a friendly, easy going, close knit Luxon guild with a foundation of Principles, including Honor, Respect, and Teamwork. We are mainly PvE based with aspects of PvP, but do not limit ourselves in activities if there is an interest, and we are always open for suggestions.

We are based in the U.S. but have several members from Europe. We have 25 in our guild, and are selective in who we allow into our guild to ensure [POET] continues to grow as a relaxed, fun loving place to be.

What you will find with us: Friendly players, light-hearted and relaxed atmosphere, weekly guild meetings to help us improve who we are, events, encouragement, help.

What we are looking for: Friendly, active players who want to help us to grow and improve our guild, offering to help others, enjoy joking around and teaming up.

Level and Experience are not important. What is important is your enjoyment of being part of something greater than yourself.

Please visit our website to see more of what we are all about:

If you are interested in joining us, you may contact me or one of my Officers. We would be glad to talk with you. You may also apply to our guild site and tell us a bit about yourself.

We look forward to hearing from you!


- Rayvn Silverwind [POET] Leader

[POET] Officers
Sir Beregond
Sapphire Aventurine (European based)
Liz Parker (European based)
Heavenly Fantasy
Sully Kat
Cabal Slaver (European based)