Dye hair?
Okay, sorry if someone already posted this.
So, many people have petitioned for some kind of hair stylist so that you can change your hairstyle.
Well... we can see that didn't happen.
Why not just have a dye to change your hair color?
Sure, no style change, but changing color is alright too and I would hope that it wouldn't be much trouble.
That's that...
So, many people have petitioned for some kind of hair stylist so that you can change your hairstyle.
Well... we can see that didn't happen.
Why not just have a dye to change your hair color?
Sure, no style change, but changing color is alright too and I would hope that it wouldn't be much trouble.
That's that...
Operative 14
I'll sign this idea, but it seems like if they're going to implement this they should just do the whole shebang and allow us to change our characters hairstyles as well. It seems like the two would be one in the same, coding wise.
Using dyes in hair has been already suggested.
Specially since some combinations profession/origin can't be found with a decent black hair color.
I agree with it, but I doubt it happening.
Specially since some combinations profession/origin can't be found with a decent black hair color.
I agree with it, but I doubt it happening.
Ideas pertaining to changing the perameters of your character are broght up quite often. Then you always get two sides to this:
One side says it's "unrealistic" and that people can't change their faces in the real world... Just like they can't swap clothes out of the blue...?
The other side states that it is - indeed - just a game and that the entire world isn't going to end if this is implemented. But is it easy to code?
This idea is also very interesting, but chances are it'll never happen. Sorry buddy. :/
One side says it's "unrealistic" and that people can't change their faces in the real world... Just like they can't swap clothes out of the blue...?
The other side states that it is - indeed - just a game and that the entire world isn't going to end if this is implemented. But is it easy to code?
This idea is also very interesting, but chances are it'll never happen. Sorry buddy. :/
Haven't seen a single hair color that is actually one color. Most have various shades of the color mixed in as highlights, etc.
Look at the hair in this picture. Doesn't look like a solid brown to me. I see some yellowish color in the female and male both.
Now, since the current hair colors are a mix, how would adding dye be able to change it correctly? The coding to make green dye add the correct colors to each shade would not be easy. Especially when you start looking at 11 different colors, and possibly mixes of 4 different ones.
I like the idea, but do not think it is possible or likely.
Look at the hair in this picture. Doesn't look like a solid brown to me. I see some yellowish color in the female and male both.
Now, since the current hair colors are a mix, how would adding dye be able to change it correctly? The coding to make green dye add the correct colors to each shade would not be easy. Especially when you start looking at 11 different colors, and possibly mixes of 4 different ones.
I like the idea, but do not think it is possible or likely.
White Lies
If we're not going to be aloud to change what our hair looks like (and this is possible, people have been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years) let us at least change its color
If we're not going to be aloud to change what our hair looks like (and this is possible, people have been doing it for hundreds of thousands of years) let us at least change its color

It would work exactly as with equipment dyes.
Brown is really similar to yellow or orange, we may see a different color, but it's shut about a shade of it.
Brown is really similar to yellow or orange, we may see a different color, but it's shut about a shade of it.
It would work exactly as with equipment dyes.
Brown is really similar to yellow or orange, we may see a different color, but it's shut about a shade of it. |
I would like this option, but I don't see it as possible. Hair has several shades of a color to make it look real. Changing each part that is different correctly would not be done easily when you consider the number of possibilities.
/not signed... AFter 300402030 times of reading this. It's time to understand, Anet has abandoned this idea, long ago, and will never question it again. Give up.
That's not true.
If you have Access ot a copy Photosop 6.0, 7.0 or similar, you can look for an option called "Hue/Saturation".
If you choose that option, the colorize dialog shows up.
There, you can choose between 'hue displacement' and 'colorize'.
With colorize, all colors turn into shades of the chosen color. If you colorize blue, all colors turn bluish.
With color displacement, all colors are displaced in the direction of the color.
So if displace the color so brown becomes blue, the rest of the colors will not become shades of blue color, but get their tones displaced in the same direction and by the same proportion as you did with brown. So if hue were used for hair, that yellow shades won't turn into the same color as the dye use, but change Hue in corresponding way to stay as 'far' from the rest of the hair as Yellow is from Brown.
Currently if you use ONE dye, you Colorize in most items, and change hue in some (Chaos skins get their skins hue-displaced instead colorized)
If you use TWO or more, the system mixes the base color of the item with the other dyes.
It' a know bug of the dye system. For example, to get Gold in an elementalist armor (base purple), which should be silver+yellow, you have to add green, so the purple gets mixed with it and becomes brown, and then the silver and the yellow can mix with brown to make 'old gold'.
And some combinations even change Hue. Grey and silver in a necromancer armor (base red) will get you Dark Green.
Both colorize and Hue displacement can be already easily done with DirectX, so they don't have to work much to get it done.
Also, like armors have parts that dye and parts that not, hair would also get those parts.
If you have Access ot a copy Photosop 6.0, 7.0 or similar, you can look for an option called "Hue/Saturation".
If you choose that option, the colorize dialog shows up.
There, you can choose between 'hue displacement' and 'colorize'.
With colorize, all colors turn into shades of the chosen color. If you colorize blue, all colors turn bluish.
With color displacement, all colors are displaced in the direction of the color.
So if displace the color so brown becomes blue, the rest of the colors will not become shades of blue color, but get their tones displaced in the same direction and by the same proportion as you did with brown. So if hue were used for hair, that yellow shades won't turn into the same color as the dye use, but change Hue in corresponding way to stay as 'far' from the rest of the hair as Yellow is from Brown.
Currently if you use ONE dye, you Colorize in most items, and change hue in some (Chaos skins get their skins hue-displaced instead colorized)
If you use TWO or more, the system mixes the base color of the item with the other dyes.
It' a know bug of the dye system. For example, to get Gold in an elementalist armor (base purple), which should be silver+yellow, you have to add green, so the purple gets mixed with it and becomes brown, and then the silver and the yellow can mix with brown to make 'old gold'.
And some combinations even change Hue. Grey and silver in a necromancer armor (base red) will get you Dark Green.
Both colorize and Hue displacement can be already easily done with DirectX, so they don't have to work much to get it done.
Also, like armors have parts that dye and parts that not, hair would also get those parts.