Massive lagspikes in UW
Seriously, this is becoming a real problem. I've been trying to do UWSC with my alliance for the past 3 days and in 1 out of every 2 runs either a massive lagspike ends up killing half our team or someone error 7's right after grabbing an important quest. And people's internet and vent work fine during these lagspikes, so it must be the guild wars servers at fault. Is anyone else here getting this problem or noticing how crappy the server's performance has been the past couple of days?
btw, i have no idea which forum this thread belongs in. If any mods know where to put it, I'd be much obliged
btw, i have no idea which forum this thread belongs in. If any mods know where to put it, I'd be much obliged
Yeah it's annoying. Anerf have done it again.
With all the recent lag spikes and heroes canceling their skills (killing their own energy while they're at it), GW has been a little frustrating =/
Chicken of the Seas
Yeah, they're pretty bad right now. Survivor characters be warned.
i had about 10 dcs tonight.
I've also been having major lag spikes. Started yesterday but considerably worst tonight.
More than a little irritating. I just did a HM gloom run, lagged out at the last boss. If GW wasn't free, I'd have cancelled my subscription by now >.>
wtb better servers...
wtb better servers...
My alliance has wiped in about 6 or 7 UWSC runs due to it. And although we managed to finish (somehow in record time) there were about 10-12 dcs during our DoA run.
I have several disconnects and massive lag surges as well. I hope they manage to fix the server somehow.
I have had 5 runs so far where atleast 4 - 6 ppl in the UW SC team have all been wiped out by 1 single lagspike.
WTF Anet? Get your SH!T together!
WTF Anet? Get your SH!T together!
I've had disconnections in the following places in the last 12 hours:
- Perdition Rock (Helping someone get to Ring of Fire mission)
- Rata Sum (Raptor Farming)
- Imperial Sanctum (before vanquishing Raisu Palace)
- During the mission Genius Operated... blah blah, the G.O.L.E.M. one.
- During the mission D'Alessio Seaboard.
So just about everywhere except Nightfall...
- Perdition Rock (Helping someone get to Ring of Fire mission)
- Rata Sum (Raptor Farming)
- Imperial Sanctum (before vanquishing Raisu Palace)
- During the mission Genius Operated... blah blah, the G.O.L.E.M. one.
- During the mission D'Alessio Seaboard.
So just about everywhere except Nightfall...
Is there a possibilty the spikes are due to Anet being hacked? The lag has been getting worse over the last few months.
My alliance was doing Urgoz's last weekend, and several of our alliancemates were just getting dropped left and right. We had to restart one run because one guy got d/c'ed out and couldn't come back in...he had Necrotic needless to say we had to restart.
Had it happen right after a dood took servants of grenth, friggen ice king died too fast.
Also, figures this is happening right after i started a new survivor character. Gonna have to be real careful lol.
Also, figures this is happening right after i started a new survivor character. Gonna have to be real careful lol.
I was disconnected twice whilst I was running some guildies to Droks >_>.
I'm just advoiding my survivor until this seems to have sorted itself for a while lol.
I'm just advoiding my survivor until this seems to have sorted itself for a while lol.
i have been experiencing bad lag on gw for like the last week....kinda glad to see its not my internet provider.
Zidane Ortef
Personally I haven't had to many problems. Have you all tried cleaning up your PC's a bit. Defrag your GW.dat file, clean up temp folders run spyware scanners and blockers. All these factors can lead to you connection and over all computer performance. OH and btw porn=pckiller.
Are you telling me my pits terra, mtns terra, wastes terra and chamber sin all havent defragged their .dat file which caused all of us to lag out in the space of the same 12 seconds? Try to think before you talk plz.
What zidane is probably trying to say is not everyone was getting lag so I can't be guild wars servers 100% and to just defrag anyways to help from the lag spikes to stop or not happen as much.
my friend Miko was booted in the last minute when we were about to finisha HM mish =\
its impossible to play like that
its impossible to play like that
romeus petrus
My alliance has wiped in about 6 or 7 UWSC runs due to it. And although we managed to finish (somehow in record time) there were about 10-12 dcs during our DoA run.
Indeed, I counted no less than 15 DC's during our DoA HM full run last nite. Yet we got to finish in a decent time. Gj Aly

I was playing AB yesterday and for a good 5 minutes we had epic lagspikes. Everybody would simply stop moving and 5 people disconnected.
It was clearly a server or intermediate problem but it certainly wasn't our ISPs.
It was clearly a server or intermediate problem but it certainly wasn't our ISPs.
Lycan Nibbler
Kyp Jade
Someone needs to airdust gw servers...
1 DC last night, who cares. These things happen once in a while. Either heavy server use for some reason like it's SUNDAY, or something else. They come and go, suck it up.
Martin Alvito
1 DC last night, who cares. These things happen once in a while. Either heavy server use for some reason like it's SUNDAY, or something else. They come and go, suck it up.
If lots of people are having a negative experience, providing information regarding when and where the problems are occurring should help diagnose and correct the problem.
If you go to the doctor and complain of shortness of breath, and the doctor just prescribes you a statin and sends you on your way without asking about other symptoms, we call it malpractice.
You're going a step further than THAT by arguing that the patient shouldn't even bother to call the doctor.
A Poet Named Virgil
In the last 4 or 5 times I tried to do UW last night, we never finished because of lag spikes and dcs. It's getting pretty annoying ... and definitely not ISPs or lack of defragging when 4 ppl say "anyone else lag there?" at the same time.
It should be noted that the only time I d/ced during the aforementioned DoA run was a time when my ping was green. The same thing happened to another person on the run.
Lag isnt always ANet's fault. It's sad that some people always blame the guy at the far end. It's kinda like...
It normally takes 10 minutes to drive to the store. If you have bad traffic, and it takes 20 minutes, do you blame the store?
You see, there's your computer, ANet's server, and a whole lot of internet between you! And you know what, it could even be ANet's ISP! Or one of the handful of other service providers that route the traffic between you and them. And then back again.
As an administrator for a large web site for a computer peripheral company (>1,000,000 pages per week) and ftp site (> 100,000 downloads per day), I have seen this first-hand, and know it to be the truth.
Now I'm not saying that it's not ANet's fault. I'm just saying that from personal experience, there are other explanations...
It normally takes 10 minutes to drive to the store. If you have bad traffic, and it takes 20 minutes, do you blame the store?
You see, there's your computer, ANet's server, and a whole lot of internet between you! And you know what, it could even be ANet's ISP! Or one of the handful of other service providers that route the traffic between you and them. And then back again.
As an administrator for a large web site for a computer peripheral company (>1,000,000 pages per week) and ftp site (> 100,000 downloads per day), I have seen this first-hand, and know it to be the truth.
Now I'm not saying that it's not ANet's fault. I'm just saying that from personal experience, there are other explanations...
Well, that's a very valid point. However, I've been standing in Kamadan doing nothing for the past hour, and have error 7'ed 5 times so far. My internet is just fine, vent is fine, I'm not having connection issues and neither are the other people in my apartment, yet the problem persists. If it was Anet's ISP having the problems, my game data would still be saved on the servers and I'd be able to reconnect to my previous session. Since error 7 means none of my data is getting saved, I'm thinking it's a server problem rather than Anet's ISP.
Well, that's a very valid point. However, I've been standing in Kamadan doing nothing for the past hour, and have error 7'ed 5 times so far. My internet is just fine, vent is fine, I'm not having connection issues and neither are the other people in my apartment, yet the problem persists. If it was Anet's ISP having the problems, my game data would still be saved on the servers and I'd be able to reconnect to my previous session. Since error 7 means none of my data is getting saved, I'm thinking it's a server problem rather than Anet's ISP.
here to troll
this is actually anets secret plan to stop people farming/UWSC and also to kick people off the servers so they can paying for them
for the past hour... have error 7'ed 5 times so far. My internet is just fine, vent is fine, I'm not having connection issues and neither are the other people in my apartment, yet the problem persists
And just because you can talk on vent, and don't see (hear?) any problems doesn't mean that your connection to the GW servers are clear. Different destinations take different routes. The vent server could be in the same town, and the GW server clear across the country! To use my road analogy, just because the road from New York to Miami is open and fast does not mean that the road from New York and Chicago is also open and fast! One could be clear, and the other have heavy congestion...
I was just trying to demonstrate that the problem wasn't emanating from my ISP.
And for the record, one of my other roommates plays GW and he is experiencing the same problems with error 7 that I have for the past 4-5 days now.
Additionally, in one of the aforementioned UWSC runs, 7/8 of our party timed out due to lag at the same time, and I know for a fact that the majority of the 7 of us live in different areas of the world (California, India, England, etc...), which makes me believe it's something to do with the servers that's the root of the problem (or software), and not local connection issues. For all 7 of to have connectivity problems in different areas of the world at the exact same time seems improbable.
And for the record, one of my other roommates plays GW and he is experiencing the same problems with error 7 that I have for the past 4-5 days now.
Additionally, in one of the aforementioned UWSC runs, 7/8 of our party timed out due to lag at the same time, and I know for a fact that the majority of the 7 of us live in different areas of the world (California, India, England, etc...), which makes me believe it's something to do with the servers that's the root of the problem (or software), and not local connection issues. For all 7 of to have connectivity problems in different areas of the world at the exact same time seems improbable.
Hey I like my pron, kthx.
On a serious note, my comp is clean, I always have it scanned and what not. Today I got a really bad lag spike while running cof. I got hit with a 5k ping spike first and then a network error. I came back with like 1 hp, someone healed me and not more than like 5 seconds later, I was staring at a network error box again. And then anet proceeded to d/c one of my party members 7 times in a row. Yes 7 TIMES. I waited until everyone came back safely and when I zoned to the 2nd floor I lost like half of my party because they didn't load in.
I don't think it's just a coincidence, srsly.
On a serious note, my comp is clean, I always have it scanned and what not. Today I got a really bad lag spike while running cof. I got hit with a 5k ping spike first and then a network error. I came back with like 1 hp, someone healed me and not more than like 5 seconds later, I was staring at a network error box again. And then anet proceeded to d/c one of my party members 7 times in a row. Yes 7 TIMES. I waited until everyone came back safely and when I zoned to the 2nd floor I lost like half of my party because they didn't load in.
I don't think it's just a coincidence, srsly.
Yeah, it's been goofy lately. Though part of it may be my stupid internet provider (curse you Comcast).
I was doing a mission (Jennur's Horde - hate that one sometimes), we were almost done with it and the bonus...on last harby of NF. Then I dc. I try reconnecting a few times, finally it works and I find myself back in the outpost with mission not complete. -_- Needless to say, I was a bit miffed.
And also during CoF run, similar things have been happening, so I haven't even bothered doing them for a while now.
I was doing a mission (Jennur's Horde - hate that one sometimes), we were almost done with it and the bonus...on last harby of NF. Then I dc. I try reconnecting a few times, finally it works and I find myself back in the outpost with mission not complete. -_- Needless to say, I was a bit miffed.
And also during CoF run, similar things have been happening, so I haven't even bothered doing them for a while now.
The Last Windseeker
I was doing a CoF run last night and I was having worse lag than usual. Caused me to die a couple times. Since it was just one night for me so far it may have just been my internet, but with everyone else also reporting issues as of late, it seems like Guild War's servers may be having some problems.
I'm having higher ping in UW than anywhere else in the game. My average ping is usually between 150 and 300, while my average ping in UW is around the 1-2k, with 5-20k spikes. I left UW, went in HA and had no problem. Went back in UW, more lag but less intense (500-900 - nothing horrible, but noticeable and very annoying).
I was running with a friend and he had UW lag as well. Both our Vent pings were normal, and I could surf the net just fine. I had nothing else downloading at that time, nothing was updating.
I highly doubt it's a conspiracy theory, but I'd like to know what's up with it o.o. For all I know it could be some routing issues to the server, the ISPs, the servers itself... O_o.
I was running with a friend and he had UW lag as well. Both our Vent pings were normal, and I could surf the net just fine. I had nothing else downloading at that time, nothing was updating.
I highly doubt it's a conspiracy theory, but I'd like to know what's up with it o.o. For all I know it could be some routing issues to the server, the ISPs, the servers itself... O_o.