We are recruitting players 21+ Dedicated Players (ONLY).
We are a 1 1/2 Year old guild, and looking for players from PvP, PvE, GvG, anything. We
believe in community, and providing a friendly, safe, fun atmosphere.
We have 10+ People, and growing. I know it's not alot of people, but we have had people join
and quit. We need dedicated players that are willing to play and be active in our guild.
We are also looking for officers for certin areas:
PvP, PvE, GvG etc.
We are looking for people to also help each other level up their chars, do quests in both
n/m, and h/m as well as FOW, and UW, dungeon runs, farmming etc.
We don't want to be a serious but competitive in terms of PvP. We are strong and strick
about our rules and we hold our own.
We are here to help any player that needs or wants to be a part of PvP, or PvE weather your
experanced or non, no level reqs, no special ranks.
We are a US guild. West Coast, California to be extact. Although we have members from ther
We have a guild hall, cool cape, teamspeak server, forums, and our very own website.
We can be found or contacted at: http://kohe.freeforums.org/index.php
So if you want too join a cool guild, with level headed people without all the hype, and
just have fun, then this is the place for you.
We really need players and officers. I really want some help and getting my guild to a fresh
start in PvP doing some GvG battles.
We need some active serious players willing to help get us on our feet and make this a fun,
exciting, good guild.
If anyone is intrested in helping me or playing and getting us started please let me know. I
am looking for experance officers, and recruiters to help me.
NOTE: You Must Register On Our Forums, Read The Rules, And Fill Out An Application Before Being Accepted Into Our Guild.
Do This By Going To Our Forums. http://kohe.freeforums.org/index.php
[KOHE] - Gandalf Of Wizdary - Guild Leader/Founder
[KOHE] - Kings Of Heaven And Earth