Sooo, hi n' stuff.
Basically, some time ago I quit GW... I was almost always in top 20 guilds, have gotten god knows how many tigers... So, I quit. When I came back... some of the guilds that were the worst in the world are now "the best" -- or at least when I came back, they were still winning the monthlies. No names.
So anywho... I didn't really want to join any of those guilds, and I still had a guild hall from back in the day with nearly all the npcs, so I just invited myself back to it. Talked to an old guildie, he had came back a couple months earlier and pretty much felt the same way. So, he decided to hang out with me. Couple weeks later, another. Then a couple of his friends came, couple weeks later a couple more of my friends joined.
Well, not everyone is the most active in the world. About 6 of us are, the others, eh... rare occurrences. We all come from at least top 100 guilds, most of us are r9-11 ha, as if that matters, and such... Suffice to say, we know what we're doing. Some of us have been playing together since release.
But with the way things are right now... We just want to play. A couple weeks ago I decided we should just get completely random people, so I started inviting random horrible people from RA, and we'd GvG. It went really well when we (myself or my friends) got good guests. But it went terribly bad when it was just us and the ra people and/or their friends.
So, that got frustrating. We were trying to do ByoB and just have fun, but watching someone run into the middle of 8 people when your entire team is nearly an entire radar away and try to cast aegis cause they thought it'd be "STRONG" just gets to you a bit, after so much...
I love ByoB though, all of us do. It's quite fine, as long as people actually do what they're supposed to. People have to realize just cause you're bringing what you want doesn't mean play like you're a complete fool.
So, that's the point we're at. We just want to GvG and have fun at the moment, but we'd like some more competent people to have around and play with us. We don't even need many. We can't all be on 24/7, but if we'd at least have 4 on, we could just use heroes and probably do better than most teams. So yeah. We aren't gonna be hardcore on you or anything, we aren't ragers.
If you have you know, some remote clue what you're doing and want to play with us, feel free to give any number of us a pm. Ideally we're looking for members, cause well y'know... Have to have members to go in.
That's pretty much it... We aren't going to be playing like we fail at Guild Wars or anything, but we are going to be playing to have fun. Not going to be playing hardcore either... At least for some time it would seem. There's just simply not the people to do that and trying to do that to start off with, especially with half the team always people you're unfamiliar with just wouldn't go well to begin with. We aren't really trying to weed out bad people or get enough good people to play seriously right now or anything, we just want to play. Guild Wars is seriously a boring game when you can't actually play it, and RA is just about enough to make anyone want to slam their head into a wall.
Oh and on an ending note... It doesn't particularly matter if you've never even GvG'd before. We've all done it in high end PvP, mostly top 20 or top 10, so chances are you'd learn something. You'd just need to be willing to try to not be horrible, and if you think you're doing something retarded... It's not a bad idea to ask an alternative solution. Not everyone's PvP'd forever, but good players are good players. If you're bad at PvE you're probably going to be bad at everything. I'd be willing to say an actual good PvE player though, has potential to do anything they want in the game. You just have to be willing to accept criticism and constantly try to improve. Everyone should really, not just starting people... It's the people that get cocky and think their shit doesn't stink that end up being over rated bad players and the only reason their guilds do good is simply because the guilds stuck together, played, and didn't disband. You don't have to have the best players in the world, 'ok' ones will do just fine. It's just about staying together and playing as a team.
Anywho... Guess I should pop some names huh?
Evil Neato
Sylv Le Cross
Arcana Imperi
Sorry for the huge wall of text, for all of those tl;dr of you. :P
Cheat Enabled [cE] looking for laid back, non-crap people
Djinn Effer