Warping to Where Your Friends Are
how about function to where you can warp to the nearest town and district where your friend or friends are from your friends/guild lists.
i think it would make things allot better for the game.
i think it would make things allot better for the game.
it would be fun and interesting, and i think you should send an invite to a friend and only if they accept you can warp there, would stop stalker
should be restricted to outposts and towns, it would be neat if they implement this but they probably wont, well see. /signed
oh saw an exploit, should only be able to warp to places youd alrdy visited.

should be restricted to outposts and towns, it would be neat if they implement this but they probably wont, well see. /signed
oh saw an exploit, should only be able to warp to places youd alrdy visited.
If the friends are mutual, this would be cool. Or like dilan said, send an invite and have the other person accept.
so its too hard for you to go..."hey where are you"..."i'm at X town"...."ok brt"
hum /not signed it called whisper
Friend 1"where are you"
Friend 2 "i'm at ..."
Friend 1 maps there see its that easy
Friend 1"where are you"
Friend 2 "i'm at ..."
Friend 1 maps there see its that easy
it would be fun and interesting, and i think you should send an invite to a friend and only if they accept you can warp there, would stop stalker
![]() should be restricted to outposts and towns, it would be neat if they implement this but they probably wont, well see. /signed oh saw an exploit, should only be able to warp to places youd alrdy visited. |
take all what i said and what you said and put it together and we got something perfect made for the game!!
any other ways to make it a better and more official plan would be appriciated ty.

its what you would call a improovement to the game dude.
we already have this. it's called map travel. you can select which district you're going to before you actually get to the town. this may make it a bit faster but it's totally unnecessary. i'd rather see the known bugs fixed first, then maybe this.
The Little Viking
Frozen Bacon
lol, why is every1 tryin to turn gw into WoW, or them free crappy online games u can download, fact is, i like and prefer it the way it is. /notsigned
Free Runner
I believe they originally intended to have this in the game. I remember reading a very old post by Gaile ages ago which brought up "being able to travel to your friends location via the friend list".
I would guess it was scrapped due to the multiple exploits it would of probably brought (knowing Anets "update one thing and break something entirely unrelated" thing. Guild Halls, Pre Searing, Unlocked Outposts and Explorable Areas would have to be taken into account). It also could of been due to possible cases of harrasment by immature players.
I would guess it was scrapped due to the multiple exploits it would of probably brought (knowing Anets "update one thing and break something entirely unrelated" thing. Guild Halls, Pre Searing, Unlocked Outposts and Explorable Areas would have to be taken into account). It also could of been due to possible cases of harrasment by immature players.
it would be very helpfull for people who are new to the game like my friend that just bought nf 2 nights ago. i had the hardest time telling him where to meet me cause he didnt know the game and the towns yet as well as the districts.
as someone posted earlier about the accepting request thing i think that would solve alotta exploits of harrassment and as for the warping to towns they have not yet unlocked they could easily resolve that problem due to the persons character's status in the game yeah its like mapping but its for someone to support them when they need help and i believe that this would make the communty much more of a friendly place instead of frustrating for players in the game. especialy for the new players!
as someone posted earlier about the accepting request thing i think that would solve alotta exploits of harrassment and as for the warping to towns they have not yet unlocked they could easily resolve that problem due to the persons character's status in the game yeah its like mapping but its for someone to support them when they need help and i believe that this would make the communty much more of a friendly place instead of frustrating for players in the game. especialy for the new players!
Kung Foo Man Choo
^^^ if someone just bought the game, then they dont have the towns. How can you travel to a town you havent been to?
Sure your suggestion can be useful, but not really needed. It is not hard at all to ask where a friend is at and telling them you'll be there. I would rather have Anet fix stuff that needs to be fixed instead of wasting time on this suggestion to shave 10 seconds off of map traveling to a friend
Sure your suggestion can be useful, but not really needed. It is not hard at all to ask where a friend is at and telling them you'll be there. I would rather have Anet fix stuff that needs to be fixed instead of wasting time on this suggestion to shave 10 seconds off of map traveling to a friend
Doubt you will break your finger by asking and pressing M.
/notsigned for not needed idea.
/notsigned for not needed idea.
Konig Des Todes
Still, two days is not enough to get to some outposts. Your friend would probably only have Istani outposts and probably a few kourna ones by now.
I would /sign, but won't for the exploit reasons above *not the "where are you" reason*. Find a way around them, it'll work out. Until then, /don'tcare
I would /sign, but won't for the exploit reasons above *not the "where are you" reason*. Find a way around them, it'll work out. Until then, /don'tcare
Daft Shifty
/notsigned, if you need to find a friend then use your GH.... or maybe even whisper them
Shayne Hawke
Sol Solus
/signed for the invite option.
Currently non-power players have to wait through multiple loading screens to go to the continent, the town, then the district. And if it's a newbie, you have to try to teach them how to find the town on the map if they don't remember.
Currently non-power players have to wait through multiple loading screens to go to the continent, the town, then the district. And if it's a newbie, you have to try to teach them how to find the town on the map if they don't remember.
Antares Ascending
/signed for the invite option.
Currently non-power players have to wait through multiple loading screens to go to the continent, the town, then the district. And if it's a newbie, you have to try to teach them how to find the town on the map if they don't remember. |
Signed hmmmm...naaa, what do I need a bag for, I can make 3 trips
Lawliet Kira
for all of those who dont sign, if they implement this, ur not gonna use it right? cuz its soooooo useless
/signed btw
/signed btw
I can almost guarantee that the people that said /notsigned would use this if it was in the game. If it even gets implemented in the first place...
I can almost guarantee that the people that said /notsigned would use this if it was in the game. If it even gets implemented in the first place...
Similar to the suggestion I made before about displaying where your friends are in your friends list.
/signed (less "lrn2belesslazyprzirlyned" or "lol,anetshudworkongw2andbugsrly" /unsigns)
/signed (less "lrn2belesslazyprzirlyned" or "lol,anetshudworkongw2andbugsrly" /unsigns)
I'm signing either for this, or for some improvements to map travel.
pumpkin pie
I am under the impression that you already can do that.
yeap, forgot again, /unsigned
yeap, forgot again, /unsigned
Do you mean that you can invite a person (who is at another outpost) to your party list and that person automatically warps into the outpost/district that you are at (i.e. in the same spirit as how invites on party search for different districts are being handled currently)?
If so, /signed.
P.S. I'm kinda confused about how it'll actually work out from your first post. It'll be great if you can emphasize the flow of such a function.
Do you mean that you can invite a person (who is at another outpost) to your party list and that person automatically warps into the outpost/district that you are at (i.e. in the same spirit as how invites on party search for different districts are being handled currently)?
If so, /signed.
P.S. I'm kinda confused about how it'll actually work out from your first post. It'll be great if you can emphasize the flow of such a function.

Orange Milk
OMG OMG Map travel takes me almost 1 minute needz moar better OMG OMG!!!!
What a crazy amount of lazy this thread is full of.
I'm surprised that with the amount of lazy some of you display that you would even bother to make a post.
/not signed
There are MUCH MUCH MUCH more important things for the Devs to be working on than adjusting a mechanic that works just fine.
What a crazy amount of lazy this thread is full of.
I'm surprised that with the amount of lazy some of you display that you would even bother to make a post.
/not signed
There are MUCH MUCH MUCH more important things for the Devs to be working on than adjusting a mechanic that works just fine.
i reckon that defeats the purpose of the game.
im pretty sure its intended that people should explore from the very start and slowly, slowly through stages get further in game. this suggestion would allow u to skip half the game without doing earlier quests missions.
but thats just my opinion...
im pretty sure its intended that people should explore from the very start and slowly, slowly through stages get further in game. this suggestion would allow u to skip half the game without doing earlier quests missions.
but thats just my opinion...
People are coming up with a lot of ideas which are just purely showing there idleness.
People are coming up with a lot of ideas which are just purely showing there idleness.
me: hey man, where you at?
friend: kamadan, id1
me: ok brt.
CLick friend
invite friend
wait 10 minutes for invite acceptance
then warp...
Honestly, I truly don't see a point.
That said:
/signed for this
me: hey man, where you at?
friend: kamadan, id1
me: ok brt.
CLick friend
invite friend
wait 10 minutes for invite acceptance
then warp...
Honestly, I truly don't see a point.
That said:
Do you mean that you can invite a person (who is at another outpost) to your party list and that person automatically warps into the outpost/district that you are at (i.e. in the same spirit as how invites on party search for different districts are being handled currently)? |
Fallen Hunter
I think that this, as has been said before, is not particularly necessary, as asking somewhere where they are is relatively easy, and so is map travel. That said, I would use the feature simply because it is easier, so it is a useful feature - just one that has limited usefulness. What I *would* like, in the same vein as this suggestion, is the location of a friend / guildie to be displayed or at least discoverable from the friend / guild pane, perhaps as an extension of your suggestion (that is, you click the friend, click their location, click yes and be transported there).
There are MUCH MUCH MUCH more important things for the Devs to be working on than adjusting a mechanic that works just fine.
/Signed. Well, either this or have three little map boxes at the bottom of your screen to choose whether you want to map to X continent's area without waiting through tons of screens. Some people have computers which are pretty bad and need to wait a while for loading the area.
Would be nice but there are more important things to be worked on imo and GW doesn't get as much love as it used to. Have to be careful what we encourage the devs (dev now?) to work on... not that it makes much difference anyway. But this menial stuff isn't worth the time... it's just being lazy.
Sure, it saves a few clicks, but not worth the effort imo.
Sure, it saves a few clicks, but not worth the effort imo.
i have enough stalkers as it is, so no
alotta jacka**e's in here lately always bashing peoples ideas when they could be good ideas. if theres anything to bash why dont you look at the new M.O.X. hero to bash thats more of a reasonable thing to bash. that was no ones idea but A-net's. all i gotta say is lighten bashers and flamers your the scum of this community!
only a very few that chose /unsigned didnt have anything negative to say they just didnt agree with the idea. It would be nice if some people would grow up.
only a very few that chose /unsigned didnt have anything negative to say they just didnt agree with the idea. It would be nice if some people would grow up.