[MOD] kurzick guild recruiting join us now!

jukama tumana

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2008



hey people,
we are a new guild, and we are looking for new active members.
we are a dutch/belgium (vlaams) guild
we are kurzick and don't have much members now
we accept all lvl's and charachters.
we don't have a limit to kick people so if u want u can join us for ever.
we have a cape|guild hall and ofcourse u can ab with us |not a good aliance yet |
you wan't to join us ?

send a e-mail to [email protected] with your guildwars ingame name and you get as soon as possilble an invite for the guild
or you can add jukama tumana on guild wars s friend

btw we also looking for a nice dutch aliance guild.

greetsz jukama tumana