If your looking for a guild that will ACTUALLY do something together please read the following:
-No "Blame game"
-Relaxed and laid back
-Small guild (but quality members)
-Non elitest players
-Daily teams (12 AM East Every night)
-Guild for Motivated and Dedicated players
-We train (if qualified)
-Vacation / time away from guild wars is respected just tell us before hand.
-Open minded / Non narrow minded:
- No "This is the only way to do this quest/mission"
-Guild team efforts
-Normal times online 12AM- 3AM (East USA)
-Ventrilo is required,a microphone isn't necessary.
-Non Ursan/Non elitest players
-All campaigns
-Hardcore player
-Casual / Laid back
-Ages 17+ only
-Mature/respectful players
Our requirements are high because we want folks who will appeciate us as we do for them. We are a laid back guild fun to play with and enjoy a good joke. We don't want elitest people in our guild and perhaps even ruining what we have. We do not allow bots, hacks, scamming or cheating in our guild. We support a guild team effect vs. a solo only.
This guild has done EVERYTHING from Town owning, To winning halls of heros, To UW, FoW, Slavers, DoA, Ect ALL NON URSAN We have 2 "God Walking Amongst mere mortals" in our guild. We're very active,this guild is mainly a night time guild however we are looking forward to have some people put teams together during the day time so everyone can have fun. We don't discriminate against religion or race. We are willing to help with Hard mode stuff however, we won't always help with normal. We don't play the "blame game" we have won halls of heros just by working as a team and enjoying it. We don't just play to win. You do not need to be ranked in order to join our teams. We do our best not to leave any guild mates behind when they are looking for a team.
People interested should contact:
Website: http://www.geocities.com/townguild/Townguild.html
[Town]High-End PvX DoA|HA|Titles|