advertisement issues on this website
hi i didnt know where to post so move it wherever it need to go. but i keep getting the same advertisement on here that blocks out part of the screen. i can click on link because for some reason iit blocks it. the advertisement is for i dont know if it can be fixed but i wont go away.
Get a membership with the site. Problem solved.
i use safari and this has never happened to me, the only way to stop the ads is to get a paid membership, the ads are from the sponsor's of this website and in order to keep the site up they need to be displayed, sorry.
Fallen Hunter
What browser / version are you using Tinytim666? It may be that the browser you are using is an older version that has difficulty rendering this site.
Kerwyn Nasilan
Some words have linked add with them, like game commonly does, if you mouse over it it will popup , you can just exit it out, annoying it is. only ad problems is the viking quest ones Idk why every time i see it I want to kill something
jukama tumana
i use google chrome and safari and never happen to me
Tiny, take some screenshots and either update this thread(now that its moved to Site FeedbacK) or pm Inde with it. Include the info on what browser you're using and anything else you think might be relevant.
Chicken of the Seas
I think I know what one he's talking about, and its annoying as hell! It blocks off most of the first post and whatever the heck i'm typing when I reply, so that I can't see a block of it. Its a fold-down ad banner
Ahhh, yeah. Well that provides more information. It's not a fold down... it's a vertical banner is all. Sometimes advertisers bill their ads as horizontal when it should be vertical. Hence, you have sites that can put them in the wrong spot since you are led to believe it's a horizontal. We'll get it fixed. Thanks Chicken!