We started Global Warming [CoLd]... Is Recruiting
We are a Laid-Back fun Guild Looking for Core Members to fill up the Ranks.
We are hard working, Dedicated and Will Achieve our Set out Goals.
We are currently looking to Recruit Core members who share the same common Interest as us...
And that is too Have a great Time with friends while Farming/Playing FoW UW or any other PvE in general, and making an impact on the PvP side of Guildwars.
We do NOT have any real requirements other than a positive attitude and activeness.
WE are NOT looking for individuals who are Lazy or down-right IGNORANT. We have seen and been in Guilds with many people like that. They Dislike our Guild or (other Guild's) because we (or they) are currently Small and then Bitch about how nothing gets done or that we are not big enough.
Its comments and an attitude like that witch gets you NO WHERE. It takes some Hard Work and Dedication to get a real Guild going with Great Core Members, and thats the point that People miss when they Join or Ask about us.
If you are like this. Then this Guild IS NOT for You.
We are however doing our best to Recruit and just create a great atmosphere for our members to play in with each other. IF you enjoy that. Then feel free to PM me here or Contact me ingame if you wish to join or have further Questions.
IGN - Melony Songbringerr
[CoLd] Recruiting! Luxon -Laidback PvE Guild-