This is not AB weekend, this is lag weekend
Lycan Nibbler
Funnily enough, I have wondered if anet have been reducing capacity based on average hourly useage numbers myself... smaller capacity would increase the size of the relative spike (ie 200 extra on 500 is a much higher %age spike than 200 on 5,000)... just a thought that anet might be keeping a check on their costs...
There was alot of mess in RA today.
People not loading for the most part, first time i RA'd today i was the only one from my team loaded, against only 1 enemy who loaded, 1vs1.
Then next match was 2vs1, next one was 4vs1, and some other twisted stuff like that.
I don't know whats going on with ANET's servers but its very annoying, although i did make 2 glad points easily by beating 1-2 man teams ^^
People not loading for the most part, first time i RA'd today i was the only one from my team loaded, against only 1 enemy who loaded, 1vs1.
Then next match was 2vs1, next one was 4vs1, and some other twisted stuff like that.
I don't know whats going on with ANET's servers but its very annoying, although i did make 2 glad points easily by beating 1-2 man teams ^^
Perhaps AB weekends brings to many player out of the wood works overloading the servers. If so they need to scrap these types of weekend events because it is lagging the whole game.
Rak Orgon of Beowulf
i live in alaska...low population = low lag
haha suckers!
<100 ping for me jumps too 400 every once in awhile
edit: it RA and TA weekend...not AB weekend

<100 ping for me jumps too 400 every once in awhile
edit: it RA and TA weekend...not AB weekend
Sol Faithman
Playing in UK, suffered ramdom dc's and huge lag spikes in excess of 53k and average of 6k - gave in in the end as quests via dungeons are not fun at 60dp and 60 second spells of nothing happening followed by instance party wipes 

more lag lame
Wow came out of ab with 3k+ pings during the whole game <<
Friends are still d/cing like crazy. Cant do anything D:
Friends are still d/cing like crazy. Cant do anything D:
In the past 2 hours I have been disconnected twice and have suffered lag spikes in excess of 20 times. This is ridiculous, anet fix your shit or get your ISP to fix their shit, plz!
at this point in time is when I gave up....couldnt even get my mule to the storage chests---
I have a good comp and good connection. I play arenas during week and weekend all the time (well, this past month anyway). I am experiencing VERY FREQUENT lag spikes and disconnects this weekend. I have yet to get past 5 wins due to disconnects after so many wins.
PLEASE EXTEND THE BONUS WEEKEND ONCE PROBLEM IS SOLVED. I want to get glad points while they are double.
PLEASE EXTEND THE BONUS WEEKEND ONCE PROBLEM IS SOLVED. I want to get glad points while they are double.
Jecht Scye
I've had some massive lag as well. 4 dc's and multiple times of having my character stop for around 30 seconds before being able to pick up again. Moved to Euro servers and the problem was gone.
I had the massive lags when I logged in yesterday a.m. but went ahead and did a Furnace farm anyway - man, it was annoying as heck but I got through it.
Logged on a couple hours later and it seemed to have cleared up completely. Logged in again in the evening and got just a little bit here and there, but was only on for a short while - long enough to get a black dye, woot!
Hope it's clear this morning when I get home from work.
Logged on a couple hours later and it seemed to have cleared up completely. Logged in again in the evening and got just a little bit here and there, but was only on for a short while - long enough to get a black dye, woot!
Hope it's clear this morning when I get home from work.
My computer's crap and I didn't get any lag during the couple hours I played. Hurray.
The Arching Healer
Well the problems seem to be gone for me. Yesterday afternoon for a couple of hours the game was unplayable but after that everything went smooth.
All in all this is turning out to be a very profitable weekend for me. Made around 14zkeys already, and I'm hoping I can reach 20 by the end of this day.
All in all this is turning out to be a very profitable weekend for me. Made around 14zkeys already, and I'm hoping I can reach 20 by the end of this day.

Time to resurrect this bad boy.
Still feeling lag, even after the weekend. Two disconnects sitting in the AB arena. A bunch of alliance mates asked if others felt it too. I even feel lag spikes in the AB game.
Just thought if Anet folk are reading, they are made aware of the fact that lag is more common lately.
Still feeling lag, even after the weekend. Two disconnects sitting in the AB arena. A bunch of alliance mates asked if others felt it too. I even feel lag spikes in the AB game.
Just thought if Anet folk are reading, they are made aware of the fact that lag is more common lately.
placebo overdose
Time to resurrect this bad boy.
Still feeling lag, even after the weekend. Two disconnects sitting in the AB arena. A bunch of alliance mates asked if others felt it too. I even feel lag spikes in the AB game. Just thought if Anet folk are reading, they are made aware of the fact that lag is more common lately. |
I'm lagging bad right now. Internet works fine, GW doesn't.
The lag has been almost continuous since the weekend, 3/4 of my ab team and many people on the other teams kept getting the spikes too. The monk who lives in Asia however.. no lag so he would literally watch me lag into the Gate guard... 999 dmg.
I want an official statement from ANET, just tell us what is up like they used to.
I want an official statement from ANET, just tell us what is up like they used to.