i've just downloaded textmod which is really helping me get the title so, thats not the problem. my problems is i can never get to where i want to to go... i have lots of little bits of outside edge to uncover but i can never find the right bit of path to stand on to get to it. so what i really want is some software that tells me where i can actually i making sense? does such a thing exsist?
I am not aware on an application that actually shows you a path to the unexplored areas. I would advise you simplely patrol and explore or find someone that already has the title you seek and have them show you.
ok, thanks...
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Try looking in all different directions, and running at the wall. Those seem to help me.
Another concept I used is that the sections usually have a point sticking out. In my experience that is usually the best place to try and cart that point from.
Another concept I used is that the sections usually have a point sticking out. In my experience that is usually the best place to try and cart that point from.
Often, the position in which you must stand to uncover a certain sliver of the fog, is not the area closest to that fog, but somewhere slightly displaced. Also I found many areas where you needed to stop and pause for 2-3 seconds for the fog to lift. Simply scraping the wall whilst moving, even slowly, was not enough.