Hi everybody,
Lately i have made my own GW Video, and i want to share it with all of you!
I'd really appreciate it if you would all give me some hints, comments, and opinions! This is my first GW Video and i have been inspired by my #1 favourite movie, the last samurai.
Ok that's all, watch it, and let me know what you think of it! And remember feel free to critisize, just don't be a dick
This is the movie:
Greets - Aerodin, or Shivering steel - You can also whisper me and tell me what you think of it =)
Rise Of The Hiro - My first GW Video
Massive Impulsa
Well decent but lol, a warrior vs warrior, and u killed the hammer zaishen guy gg:P altough nice sound etc but Maybe make a better point.. U start of - Maybe we came from the water and u ended killing the Zaishen Axe guy whit Invoke lightning?
Pretty decent video m8, sound was awsoume for sure and liked the way the screen was faded as writing was coming up.
liked the music.... although the video kept me rather bored.
Thanks everybody for commenting so far! To Massive Impulsa - I didn't use invoke lightening :-) I'm a W/Mo, i just used special effects.
Antares Ascending
Well done vid!
I liked the story telling aspect and the quality of your work.
I liked the story telling aspect and the quality of your work.
I actually did like the idea and what part of the story you did tell us. The only problem I noticed is that some of the text is hard to read, other than that its golden.