What the hell is WRONG with people???



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

I have posted a few times on these forums but seem to get a similar response every time...

Others have posted a few times on these forums but seem to get a similar response every time...

Ok, I shouldnt say every time, but quite often...

Posters are flaming, cursing, beeing rude and showing of in general BAD behaviour. What the heck is WRONG with poeple?? These forums are for everyone! If someone wants to ask a silly question, let them! If someone wants to ask a stupid question, let them! If someone asks a question that HAS been aswered many times allready, kindly point them in the right direction of that answer instead of just insulting them or closing the threads.

Posters come here for ANSWERS, thats what these forums are all about! Companionship, a feeling of community! But instead, posters are sarcastig, rude and unfriendly.

I suggest Admins take a good look in the mirror and ask themselves if they wanna be part of a community where players of guild wars are getting laughed at just because the wrong person read their posts?

If someone posts a sarcastic or rude response, temp-ban them to show that behaving like that is not appreciated. Show people that this is a place where they can go if they want information and to exchange opinions. An opinion can almost never be wrong, cuz it's PERSONAL. Still ppl get laughed at just because they express whats on their mind.

If the post is stupid, don't read it! If the post is silly, don't read it! And above all - DON'T POST AN ANSWER in the pure purpose of insultingpeople!

I posted here a while ago, and I admit I did not look very close if the information I sought already was published, and I understand WHY the Admins closed the thread. What I DON'T understand is WHY they acceptd answers and behaviour like "let old stay old" or "that question has already been answered like 20.000.000 times" and such... -Closed-

So please tell me why one should accept stupid answers like that? Instead, be a little creative and redirect me to the right place and close it... Dont make ME the villan for just searching answers to my questions, cuz then I have greatly misunderstood the purpose of these forums...

Now I am very eager to what ppl have to say about this.

Will the thread get closed? WIll I get banned? Will the thread get deleted???

I will just wait and see...


Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

Echx, we have a specific forum for users who are asking common questions or are new to Guild Wars. It's our Q&A forum and I can tell you that it is very welcoming and friendly. If you are trying to go into another inappropriate section such as Riverside or the Campfire and you do not know what you are talking about the older players will indeed get on your case. We have designed this forum to specifically help out new players and have posted these newcomer friendly forums at the top for a reason.

We also have a search feature on this forum that can be very helpful so I encourage the use of that if your question is basic enough.

The users of this forum do expect, rightfully, a new user to do a bit of research or homework on their own rather then to post a question in an area where it doesn't belong or where it has been covered 4 times in the past week. In order to keep discussion flowing a moderator can and will close a post if it is going downhill or has been answered beforehand. Just as you are expecting some work on behalf of the veteran players to answer your questions, they are expecting some work done by yourself to see if that question can be found quite easily by just browsing or using the search.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


Posters are flaming, cursing, beeing rude and showing of in general BAD behaviour. What the heck is WRONG with poeple?? These forums are for everyone! If someone wants to ask a silly question, let them! If someone wants to ask a stupid question, let them! If someone asks a question that HAS been aswered many times allready, kindly point them in the right direction of that answer instead of just insulting them or closing the threads.
Silly and stupid questions are generally frowned upon. Low quality threads get low quality replies. I'm not saying it's right, but that's just how it is. If it's a very common question people generally won't point you in the right direction because they assume you did no research at all. Before you ask a question, do research. If you can't find anything, then ask. If you ask a question that can easily be found on wiki, many people aren't going to be polite and explain it to you. They'll either be rude about it, or say use wiki noob. Again, I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying that's how it is.

If someone posts a sarcastic or rude response, temp-ban them to show that behaving like that is not appreciated. Show people that this is a place where they can go if they want information and to exchange opinions. An opinion can almost never be wrong, cuz it's PERSONAL. Still ppl get laughed at just because they express whats on their mind. We already do that. If we see a user violating rules, we deal with them. Don't expect us to automatically jump on the ban hammer because a user was rude in one post in a low quality thread, though. If you see a rude post, report it. If you notice a user is violating rules regularly, contact a super moderator or an admin, and we will deal with that user.

I posted here a while ago, and I admit I did not look very close if the information I sought already was published, and I understand WHY the Admins closed the thread. What I DON'T understand is WHY they acceptd answers and behaviour like "let old stay old" or "that question has already been answered like 20.000.000 times" and such... -Closed- Again, low quality threads get low quality replies. Creating a thread for a common/easy to find question is a low quality thread, and is going to receive low quality replies. I don't know what thread you're talking about, so I'm not going to comment about that.

Moderators cannot ban every single person who is rude in a low quality thread. However, if the users become a consistent problem, we will deal with them. I strongly suggest you do a little research before asking a question again. If you do that, you should not have to deal with rude users.