My guild were doing gvg last night and we lost 2 battles
But when i checked how much status or whateva lost it said battle lost against "" Status -0
and the same on both occasions
GVG no lose rank
Reiden Argrock
Ladders are currently locked for the GWWC for... division finals I think.. not sure the exact status but it's locked none the less
Shen Xi
Think Gaile Grey said on another site it's only going to be for another day or so at most.
The ladder is going to be resetted after GWWC. So, go have fun testing out builds.
awesome sauce
Yea, and try farming faction. You can get more faction losing in a gvg than winning in tombs.
A dev said in another thread that it will most likely be unlocked when the 36 teams for the GWWC playoffs have been announced.