Was just wondering if there would be a skill balance for the CB's this year seeing as alot of stuff got nerfed/buffed pretty hard, removing the balance from this extremely fun sealed deck PvP play.
Things that come to mind are:
Horns of the Ox nerf: The sin is kinda pointless to play now
Antidote Signet buff: With the amount of conditions seen in costume brawls, Antidote signet puts the ranger (already arguably the strongest template beforehand) above the pack with superior condi removal over the other classes.
Troll Unguent buff: Not amazingly huge, but as stated above, more buffs to the strongest template... :/
Empathy buff: It doesn't take a genius to know why this will be OP
Splinter weapon/ARage nerfs: With there being little to no grouping in CB's this was already pretty crap but with the current hits to the skills they've been put on boarderline useless
Avatar of Melandru(?): The energy cost/duration has been increased/decreased since the last CB? not too sure on this...
Chilling Victory: The move to wind prayers this means the attribute spread would have to be changed to make it viable on the dervish template
Lists of the templates can be seen here:http://guildwars.wikia.com/wiki/Costume_Brawl
Halloween: Costume Brawl Skill Update?
Someone already brought this up a few times, so I'll just give you the same reply I gave them...but the Costume Brawl used copies of skills. They aren't affected by updates.
If you check your gw.dat file or the skill list on the official Wiki you can find the Costume Brawl copies, but this was easily noticeable when it went live last year and the Costume Brawl copies all showed up in the Priest of Balthazar.
Basically they don't have to change anything if they don't want to, they are "preserved" in their old form, though they might change a few things on the bars anyways.
If you check your gw.dat file or the skill list on the official Wiki you can find the Costume Brawl copies, but this was easily noticeable when it went live last year and the Costume Brawl copies all showed up in the Priest of Balthazar.
Basically they don't have to change anything if they don't want to, they are "preserved" in their old form, though they might change a few things on the bars anyways.
aha, thanks for clearing that up! that means costume brawls will be just as fun as they were last year
I Will Heal You Ally
I'dlike new builds frankly... just to boost the fun part more
And it's not that hard thing to do
I'd rather they not, Costume Brawl last year was the most balanced thing they had made since OG Prophecies in PvP. Still needs a few tweaks (especially on the default equipment they give you, a few of the items were gipped and had Reqs in stats the class didnt have points in...) here or there but its almost "perfect".
Martin Alvito
I'd rather they not, Costume Brawl last year was the most balanced thing they had made since OG Prophecies in PvP. Still needs a few tweaks (especially on the default equipment they give you, a few of the items were gipped and had Reqs in stats the class didnt have points in...) here or there but its almost "perfect".
I like my minigames, but this was probably the LEAST skilled minigame I have played. Costume Brawl plays out a lot like straight up 1v1 matches - melee is gimped horribly. Rangers and casters own the environment because they have solutions to melee, but melee doesn't have a solution to melee hate.
Like in snowball arena, bringing an acceptable class to the party confers significant advantage. However, the advantage in Costume Brawl is much larger, since you get 8 good skills instead of just one.
I see no way to rebalance given the rules, however. If you restrict each class to just its own skills, melee is going to be bad in any environment where hexes and conditions rule and there are few monks. (You can't buff the monks because then lots of people would run monks and nothing would die.)
It is the less skilled but I said balanced not skilled. You're right about everything else obviously, but I think given the ruleset it is the most balanced and interesting thing they've done.
Sakura Az
and now todays update made BUrning arrow more powerful..
the Puppeteer
new builds pls
Divine Xan
I'dlike new builds frankly... just to boost the fun part more
but ye, build change (and more balanced? lol)
Skyy High
Rangers are so OP-ed. Not that I have a problem with that, but we probably could use some new builds.