Guru's CSS got eaten again (or something >.>)
It's the same thing that happened a while back with the CSS vanishing.
Firefox 1.5 (yeah, hate the new tabs :P)
Firefox 1.5 (yeah, hate the new tabs :P)
sorry, yes i know. i'm working on it. my fault.
just wanted to let you know :P - thanks
Should be restored now.
Slightly off-topic, but has the top bar (the Guru book logo and the tabs) gone all soft and fuzzy, or is my poor old eyesight failing me?
But my forum skin changed for some reason when I came onto Guru. No, I wasn't logged out.
But my forum skin changed for some reason when I came onto Guru. No, I wasn't logged out.
Snograt, ummm.... it does. But I can't remember the last time I looked at it so I have no idea if it has indeed gone softy and fuzzy.
Penguin, I got rid of some infrequent skins today. Also, just a week ago I switched the default to the upgraded one, that could be the reason.
Penguin, I got rid of some infrequent skins today. Also, just a week ago I switched the default to the upgraded one, that could be the reason.
K, Penguin... I can bring it back JUST FOR YOU! give me a bit.
hey what happened to v2b???????????? I HATE those extra thingys at the bottom (I dont need google this or bookmark that) and the others change the colors makes my eyes water.....(and fyi oct 12 is a sunday...not saturday)......please get rid of v3b. and bring back v2b. and it was the only one that looks right.
Sadly, the Diggs and Stumbles are the way of the world now, Cosy - I'm surprised it's taken them this long to appear!
Just ignore them - very few websites without a handful of them nowadays.
Just ignore them - very few websites without a handful of them nowadays.
V2b has too much wrong with it... sorry cosyfiep, that one I can't bring back.
Also, thanks Inde.

well that about sums up my life...stuff I like has too many I get stuff that is sub-par (really the diggs and google crap are WORSE than ads! and those I can at least get rid of!) I really dont need any more bookmarks, can we get one that doesnt have the crapp on the bottom at least (for those of us not in the know now?)???
Temporary hijack for a quick "thank you."
Thank you, admins, for expanding Ventari's and making it a "proper" forum - the way it was hidden has bugged me for years!
Thank you, admins, for expanding Ventari's and making it a "proper" forum - the way it was hidden has bugged me for years!
You know Snograt, I can't even remember why we made it a sub-sub forum in the first place.

Unlucky Slayer
Lol, Slayer. If I had a penny for every person that had to be told that Guru even had a buy/sell forum...
...I'd nearly have a dollar.
...I'd nearly have a dollar.