Fixing the Common Gloves
Il just leave this short and sweet, the gloves should be sized for each class and how heir armor sits, because i think we all hate the way they look on some classes, especially the warrior. They should be resized so they start where the cuirass stops and the arm starts.
Anyone find this annoying
Extend the cuirass to reach down to the glove (although i dont know how this would turn out, could be....strange).
If only the line between cuirass and gloevs were halfway between the elbow and wrist it wouldnt look that horrible
btw this isnt my char
that just looks..strange
Anyone find this annoying
Extend the cuirass to reach down to the glove (although i dont know how this would turn out, could be....strange).
If only the line between cuirass and gloevs were halfway between the elbow and wrist it wouldnt look that horrible
btw this isnt my char
that just looks..strange
Extend the glove up to meet the cuirass, or cut the glove down to the wrist. Or get rid of them altogether because they were a stupid addition meant to be a money/ecto sink which really didn't solve anything because while people with so many ectos paid lots of them to get them, they have the ability to make that back tenfold by farming. So it's pretty much just an ugly status symbol that no-life farmers, ebayers, and the occasional smart/lucky player can use to show their superiority over others.
you could fix them yourself in textmod...after all you can probably recreate those gloves.
wind fire and ice
Well,thing is..if they did that it would still look stupid..glowy stuff up to your elbow?
either way,chaos gloves just dont fit male chars.
Leave them for female eles/monks/mesmers.
either way,chaos gloves just dont fit male chars.
Leave them for female eles/monks/mesmers.
Owik Gall
I think the best way to express the idea is to make the gloves so that it specifically fits to that characters class. That image does make the glove a little odd, and in my point of view, it's the same appearance to any other players of a different class. It's better to ask for the gloves to go higher, mainly up to the elbow. That's one of the only issues with those gloves. If you don't like the texture and the shape of the glove, though, you might as well count on text mod because it's not likely Anet will care how you think it looks.
wind fire and ice
Tbh i would be mad if my monk and ele's chaos gloves went up to there elbow..that would look really stupid.
wind fire and ice
Maybe change male chars since it dosent seem to be large enough for them,but please leave female alone.

don't wear them then.
How the f*ck could you possibly be happy with your char looking like that? regardless of where the glove goes up to you look like shite.
@ jiggles its not upto you to decide what he should be happy with or not, chaos gloves has always started a war no matter what thread its on. you dont like fine, if you like it thats fine as well. the chaos gloves look fine on female monk, eles and the like but males never fit the gloves. your best bet would be to texmod it. though a-net really seems to listen to the fan base recently so they might fix it.
wind fire and ice
wind fire and ice

Any of those going up to the elbow would just look bad,soo to the people saying that they should change
They are fine as they are.
PS. They already DO vary (slightly) by what class you are. Just look at the mesmer gloves, which only go to the wrist since most mesmer armors have long sleves.
PS. They already DO vary (slightly) by what class you are. Just look at the mesmer gloves, which only go to the wrist since most mesmer armors have long sleves.
Ok just to get things straight, that isnt my character. Just an example i was trying to get through. The idea i was getting across was i think it should only be changed for only certain genders of certain classes. Like the male warrior, ranger and assassin.
I personally think that it looks great on monks, eles, mesmers, rits and paragons because the gloves are a seperate part of the armor
but other armor in classes is supposed to be complete, its like someone has sabotaged it while you slept on some classes. It really looks good on some but for a few gender and class mixes it looks like butt-less pants (not being literal).
I personally think that it looks great on monks, eles, mesmers, rits and paragons because the gloves are a seperate part of the armor
but other armor in classes is supposed to be complete, its like someone has sabotaged it while you slept on some classes. It really looks good on some but for a few gender and class mixes it looks like butt-less pants (not being literal).
wind fire and ice
Really if you think about it,crazy long chaos gloves wouldnt look good either.
I would say just dont get chaos for male chars(except ele).
I would say just dont get chaos for male chars(except ele).
yeah but im not talking just about chaos gloves, its all of them. Why make a range of gloves that only suit female characters and certain classes?
wind fire and ice
Well...if you think about it -NO- gloves would look good larger.
Just picture it..theres no way it could look good.
Just picture it..theres no way it could look good.
then what about extending the cuirass the where the gloves stop where it should? after who has gloves that go above the elbow?
wind fire and ice
Really that-could- work..but again it would look stupid..having it come over your elbow.
If you want to use Chaos and dont want to worry about the glitch,get somthing like Vabbian really dont notice it with that.
If you want to use Chaos and dont want to worry about the glitch,get somthing like Vabbian really dont notice it with that.
wind fire and ice
I'm not trying to be annoying/mean/argumentative.Just pointing out that its pointless and would be a waste of the Dev's time working on that.(would require them to re-work allot of armor if they did the cuirass change).
I'd rather them get the skills balanced instead of wasting time on an un-needed armor change.
I'd rather them get the skills balanced instead of wasting time on an un-needed armor change.
but with the original gloves you wouldnt be able to tell the difference its just changing the spot where cuirass meets gloves so that the old sets work fine and the common gloves are fine as well
wind fire and ice
Yes,but then you end up extending the gloves and making it look odd/silly..just picture it.
you wouldnt have to if you just generally extended the cuirass.
thats the beauty of mesmers, for them gloves mean's just that, gloves
Male Mesmer w/ norn armor dyed black with chaos gloves and the freaky looking bug mask, the mesmer from Heart of Ashes and Dust had it for awhile, very sexy
Male Mesmer w/ norn armor dyed black with chaos gloves and the freaky looking bug mask, the mesmer from Heart of Ashes and Dust had it for awhile, very sexy
Mesmers FTW. i mean really they have those coats that cover that part of it so all you see is the hands.
Clarissa F
face it - Mesmers just have better fashion sense. You can teach a Wammo to fight, but you can't teach him how to dress.
No, its the "Chaos Gloves" not "Chaos Sleeves"
wu is me
they could fix it by changing all the cuirass's to include the respective elbow to wrist segment, and cut the hands to be restricted from the wrist the mesmers are now
All the gloves look terrible on any class, regardless of gender, who are wearing armor that goes to the elbows. Even in the example pictures of what supposedly looks "good".
They only look good on mesmers, and with sleeveless armor (female necromancer's with Vabbian, for instance, look good).
But I don't think it's ever been about looking good. I mean, how many elementalists with the horridly ugly FoW armor, the horridly ugly dread mask (not expensive anymore, time to rethink your vanity armor set) and chaos gloves do you need to see before that becomes apparent to you?
They only look good on mesmers, and with sleeveless armor (female necromancer's with Vabbian, for instance, look good).
But I don't think it's ever been about looking good. I mean, how many elementalists with the horridly ugly FoW armor, the horridly ugly dread mask (not expensive anymore, time to rethink your vanity armor set) and chaos gloves do you need to see before that becomes apparent to you?
Last time I checked, it's up to the player to make good looking mixed armor combination's, not Anet.
There are a lot of armor 'bugs' regarding things like clipping with various capes/masks. I'd prefer they fixed those before changing something else. It is personal taste, and although you may not like it, that doesn't mean nobody does. Perhaps the people who designed them like they way they look. I only like the Mesmer Chaos Gloves as they are the only ones that are gloves instead of sleeves. So I just don't get them for my other characters.
There are a lot of options, choose one you do like. If there isn't anything you do like, too bad.
There are a lot of options, choose one you do like. If there isn't anything you do like, too bad.
Yeah, I kinda hoped this thread would be about the clipping issues. A lot of hairstyles don't work with the glasses and blindfold, and some armor clips badly into the icy dragon gloves. Whatever they're called. I'll /sign for a bit of a clipping issue fix before this. Everyone knows what chaos gloves look like by now. We've all seen plenty on both genders and every class. You can tell if they're going to look like hell with your current armor.
While we're on the subject, though... I'd kind of like to be able to change the type of glove. For instance, I'd like to see the hand-only mesmer glove available for other classes. I think that'd look a lot nicer on my derv or ele than half an arm of glowing BS.
While we're on the subject, though... I'd kind of like to be able to change the type of glove. For instance, I'd like to see the hand-only mesmer glove available for other classes. I think that'd look a lot nicer on my derv or ele than half an arm of glowing BS.