イhe アink アroject [エリート] are recruiting loyals

Hokage Goes Glompage

Hokage Goes Glompage

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2008


We Are The Power Rangers [GoGo]


Hai thar meh ist Hokage :P

Well as the title shows イhe アink アroject [エリート] is recruiting :P
We are quite new with a small amount of loyal members at the moment and we hope to grow larger.
At the moment we are only doing general PvP like RA etc. But when we get more loyals then we will start organising GvG and HA / TA.

R3 Hero+
G1 Gladi +

Some of our members prefer PvE than PvP so we also will be recruiting a small amount of PvErs :P
As the requirements are quite low we intend to keep them low until we get more skilled people and then we will start raising them.
We are also a Luxon guild not Kurzick

People To Contact:
Mali Yali - Leader,
Hokie Loves Bunnies - Me,
Halie Zealot - Officer,
Wings Of Infekt - Officer.

We also have a forum of which you can post a application if you want to as well.